Do you long to raise children with strong faith, but your spouse doesn’t seem to share your vision? It’s a common challenge in many Christian families and it can feel disheartening. However, there’s hope in navigating these differences with grace and understanding.
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Expectation Differences
It’s important to realize that while you both may be Christians, your individual spiritual paths might not align entirely. We are all individuals with unique spiritual journeys. Just because God is working in your heart on an issue, doesn’t mean that God is working on that same issue in your spouse. Your spouse might not see things from the same perspective as you.
Understanding this can help to debunk unrealistic expectations of a Christian spouse which can often lead to disappointment and resentment. Instead of expecting uniformity, focus on your own spiritual growth without burdening your spouse by expecting him to follow the same path. God didn’t intend for you to become your spouse’s junior Holy Spirit.
Path Differences
Differences in beliefs about the spiritual formation of our children are normal. Common topics of contention include the version of Bible to use, how often to attend church, or behavior expectations during Bible reading. Spouses who have fallen away from their Christian walk may not even see spiritual teaching as a necessary part of the child’s life.
Approach these discussions humbly and try to understand each other’s perspectives. Ask God to examine your heart and show you any areas of pride or wrong thinking about why you want things done your way. Maybe you feel strongly because that is how your family did it when you were young. I have to remind myself that there are many paths lead to the same destination.

Personality Differences
It’s important to recognize your spouse’s personality. Just because you are comfortable with reading aloud to your children, doesn’t mean your spouse is. Maybe you love to do crafts and dress up like Bible characters while your spouse may not. Some spouses are great one-on-one with the kids while family devo time is hard for them to lead. Embrace your unique strengths as you nurture your kids’ faith. Rather than expecting your spouse to do things exactly as you would, find ways to blend your individual styles to create a meaningful spiritual legacy. Oftentimes this begins with a humble conversation asking your spouse where they would like to lead.
Trusting God in the Differences
Another crucial aspect of navigating spiritual differences in parenting is acknowledging that God’s ways often surpass our immediate understanding. It’s okay if the spiritual training of your children doesn’t look exactly the way you imagine it should. Remember, God works in ways beyond what we initially imagine, and He can use even our perceived failures for His purposes.
You imagine fun family Bible times at night. Instead, talk about the Bible in the car together.
You imagine discussions after church on the ride home. Instead, talk with your young kiddos during bath time.
You imagine prayer time before meals. Instead, pray with your child before bedtime.
You are responsible for the time you are given.

Pray Through the Differences
Lastly, the power of prayer cannot be underestimated, especially for those grappling with difficult marriages or non-believing spouses. Prayer can provide strength and hope in challenging times, offering encouragement when you feel alone.
I love the hope and wisdom provided in I Peter 3:1-2…
Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.
If you want your spouse to be a godly leader begin by first taking a look at yourself. Draw an imaginary circle around yourself and focus on only what’s inside that circle! Also, ask God to sand off your rough edges. Be open to God’s refining power. Focus on the circle and let God take care of everything else. I know it’s hard. But if you truly want to see change, don’t interfere with God’s plan and timing. Remember that your example as a godly individual will have a powerful impact on your children no matter what your spouse is doing.
While you cannot be both mother and father, you can teach your children about Jesus and be an example of a godly woman/man. You won’t do it perfectly, but you can spiritually lead your family with the time you are given. That is all that God asks of you.
#46: Thriving Amidst Differing Spiritual Beliefs in Marriage
Listen for more tips or read the transcript.
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