Updated from 2018 post.
As I dove into the fourth week of the Priscilla Shirer Discerning the Voice of God study, it was like a light bulb switched on in my mind. Suddenly, I realized I’ve been going about things all wrong.
For the past three weeks, Priscilla has been guiding the reader to recognize when God is speaking to them. She emphasized that God’s “chief aim” is to communicate with us. This is incredible news because, like many of you, I deeply desire to hear God’s voice and understand His will. But now halfway through the study, Priscilla uncovered a truth that hit me right in the heart.

Knowing God’s Will
“Let’s be honest, our intentions in hearing God are not always pure.”
What? How can our good intentions become misaligned?
“It’s easy to start seeking God’s direction more than just seeking to know God Himself.”
Then Priscilla asked a piercing question.
“Think carefully. What does your current desire to hear God’s voice revolve mostly around?”
- “Your desire to know what God wants you to do.
- Your desire to know where God wants you to go.
- Or, your desire to know God.”
While I feel very spiritual praying and seeking God’s will for my life, I realized I had overlooked something crucial: “God wants to speak to me because He wants me to know Him.” Priscilla continues, “Knowing His direction is just a by-product. He wants to reveal truth about Himself to you because this knowledge will lay the firm path toward fulfilling His purpose for your life.”
I had it all backwards.

Who God Is
The above Gospel Framework* diagram helps us understand where our focus begins. Yet, my focus was on myself—what I needed to achieve and what I expected God to show me so I could fulfill His will. I was beginning at the bottom of the framework, thus creating a religion.
Instead, I needed to shift my focus to who God is. As I deepen my understanding of Him and what He does, He’ll communicate what I need to know and do. This is grace.
And it brings me back to what God’s been teaching me for the past ten years. It all comes down to daily spending time with Him and His Word—reading, listening, and praying.
There is no short cut to knowing God’s will for your life. It begins with getting to know God.
I’d love to hear…How are you getting to know God?
Give your child or students a solid understanding of who God is with the ABCJesusLovesMe Bible Curriculum. Enjoy the interactive and play-based learning in your home, preschool, or church.

*The Gospel Framework is not my creation. I do not know the original source.