Explaining abstract concepts like forgiveness to young children can be a challenge. How do you convey the depth of forgiveness and its importance in a way that’s tangible and relatable to their young minds? I love the creative idea Tauna shared with me for “Forgiveness Soap.”

What is Sin?
Begin by drawing on a piece of paper the outline of a person to symbolize the child. Explain that every day we have 100’s of opportunities to make good choices or bad choices. The good choices are called obedience. The bad choices are called sin. Sin is anything that we do that does not obey God. Sin is the wrong choices we make that goes against what the Bible tells us to do. With the child, brainstorm examples of sins, using relevant and personal examples. Write examples on the outline of the person.
Explain that sin “dirties” up our hearts and separate us from God. The sin will not go away without forgiveness from God and God can only forgive us because of Jesus. If the child is ready, share the ABC’s of Salvation.
God’s forgiveness is like a super-duper soap that washes away our sins and makes us clean. All we have to do is sincerely ask for forgiveness. We can say things like, “I am sorry God that I _______. Please forgive me and help me to make the right choice next time.” Then God will wash away our sins, just like soap and water washes away dirt on our hands.

Making Forgiveness Soap
To reinforce the lesson, provide the child with a bar of soap. Unwrap the soap (great fine motor activity). Decorate strips of paper cut a little narrower than the bar of soap with stamps, stickers, and crayons. Label with “Forgiveness Soap.” Wrap the bar with the paper and tape as a label around the bar of soap to create a tangible reminder of forgiveness.
This is just one of many ways to teach children about forgiveness. You can do the same analogy with chalk and an eraser, a whiteboard and marker, or pencil on paper.
By incorporating creativity, hands-on activities, and relatable analogies, parents and teachers can help children understand and embrace the transformative power of forgiveness. Explore more forgiveness-themed books, crafts, teaching tools, and Bible story analogies on the ABCJesusLovesMe website.
For additional ideas, listen to the Parenting to Impress Podcast: A Parent’s Crucial Role in Teaching Sin and Redemption

Tauna writes at ProverbialHomemaker.com, so named because, as she says, “me becoming a wife, mom, and homemaker proves that anything is possible with God.”
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