This is a two-sided puzzle with 12 magnetized (prevents the pieces from falling out!) common objects on one side that can be completed like a regular puzzle. The other side contains the same 12 pictures embedded into a scene with holes where children can “push” the puzzle pieces out. This helps with teaching children the crucial skill of POINTING. A scarf is included to pull through the holes, helping children learn the give and take of non-verbal and verbal conversation.
◦Turn taking
◦Pointing skills
◦Basic vocabulary
◦Basic Wh questions – what, which, where, etc.
Two songs on the KET SET 3 (Drills on Wheels 1 and Drills on Wheels 2) work directly with the puzzle and objects on the puzzle. (I will be reviewing the five Ket Sets in the next few weeks.)
How to Use the Push-Pull Puzzle
Momma C’s Thoughts:
A lot of thought went into the creation of this puzzle. Making it double sides increased the learning and activities. Having the puzzle magnetized allows the user to hold the puzzle vertically without the puzzle pieces falling out. I especially like how the puzzle creates instant reward for a child which encourages thinking, use of words, and interaction. In all reality, I believe this puzzle sells itself. Because it is well built and I feel reasonably priced, I will let the puzzle do the talking.
This puzzle is a must have for speech pathologists, therapists, schools alike. But, this puzzle is wonderful for home settings with all children. I hope that Kids’ Express Train creates more puzzles using this same design.
Purchase the Push-Pull Puzzle – $16.99
Thank you to Kids Express Train for giving me the opportunity to review this product.