1) Are an image bearer
2) Are a helper
3) Are unique in the creative order
4) Have a beauty to unveil – Ps 27:4, Song of Solomon 4
Beauty is something that almost every woman deals with as an insecurity. Beth Moore wrote about it in So Long Insecurity (read my reviews) along with Stasi Eldredge in her book Captivating. Yet when you ask Sweet Pea (at the age of 3 1/2) if she is beautiful, she will share a wide smile and say “Yes”. She knows and believes that she is beautiful. But, it won’t be along before she looks in the mirror and sees what the world declares as imperfections. But yet as we have learned, she is created in God’s image and is unique in the creative order. Now we see that God declares that she has beauty to unveil.
I believe as a parent, this is one point of her life that only the Holy Spirit and prayer will lead to success.
Here is the problem:
– the world declares what is beautiful (Hollywood is sadly mistaken)
– the world declares that girls should share their beauty with many
Here is what we are doing to contradict these lies:
1) Sweet Pea wears clothing (even at 3 1/2) that are modest and appropriate. Our rule is that if we don’t want her wearing it at 13, then she won’t wear it at 3. I think this is incredibly important for parents to place an importance on modesty. Personally, I feel a responsibility to model this as well. As a woman, I do not want to be a stumbling block for men that I come in contact with because of the dress that I choose. I want Sweet Pea to have this same conviction. For example, Sweet Pea wears shorts under dresses and we talk about sitting like a lady.
2) Beauty is about the heart. The magazine covers are not real nor healthy. Did you catch the Dove video I posted last week?
3) Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. God declares that we are to take care of our bodies and thus we encourage exercise and activity. This goes a long way in positive self-image as well.
4) As time progresses, we will teach Sweet Pea that her “unveiled beauty” is for marriage. That is only where is can truly be beautiful.
Back to my original question…Are we into the whole princess thing? If you are talking about Disney – no. Do we celebrate and teach that Sweet Pea is the daughter of a King? Yes. Because of this, she is and always will be a princess.