Over the weekend, a friend pointed out that the Out of Sync Life button had a misspelling! I apologize for this. I have corrected the error. So, if you have copied the html to place the button on your blog or website, please recopy with the corrected information. Sorry for the inconvenience! ...
Visual Perception Activity
We continue to work on Bub's visual perception by looking for activities to help. I had googled "visual perception activities" to hopefully find some ideas. I just came up frustrated. Our therapist suggested googling "visual perceptual activities". I hit gold!I found this wonderful site at Ed Helper that has almost 75 worksheets that are ...
Remind me…
Yesterday was an AWFUL day for Little Bubs. Bad choice after bad choice occurred. At one point he jumped up and down screaming for 15 minutes outside trying to get control (sure glad we live in the country!!). I even tried to do a special activity, just the two of us, of making cookies to try and help curve the downward spiral. Last evening, my ...
Go Bubs!!
As you know, Bubs really struggles with phonetic awareness. We started the computer program Earobics with the hopes of improving these issues to eventually help him learn to read. And it is working!!!!Before starting the program I would sound out a word for Bubs and he would be unable to put the word together. Yesterday, Daddy and I communicated by ...
Spelling City
My aunt sent me the link to Spelling City - an online spelling program. Although we are not to the dreaded spelling words, it won't be long! This is a wonderful program to help your child work on their spelling words. There are several games available to make the progress a little quicker. Very cool! ...
I am very thankful to say that Bubs has calmed down immensely this week. The divergent of company last weekend definitely helped. PTL!On Monday night, we took a walk as a family. It was bed time and Daddy and I wanted to get one more "lap" in. So, we explained to Bubs and Sweet Pea that we were going to walk one more time. They were supposed to ...
Bubs has trouble with listening as well as distinguishing sounds. Our occupational therapist suggested the computer program "Earobics". She used it with her own daughter and had great success. After looking at it, I was sold immediately. This is a WONDERFUL program. Bubs spends 15 minutes a day using the program. The "clown" game plays different ...
Lacing Activity
One of the activities that Bubs has been working on in therapy is lacing. Our therapist let us borrow the Alphabet Lacing Letters. I went on line to try and find something like it and found that these Lacing ABC Sweets are about the only of their kind. What I like so much about this activity is that Bubs has to lace, which is great for fine motor. ...
Full Moon Indeed
We are up to our armpits in rotten attitude and disrespectful attitude. Bubs is really struggling to stay in control and keeping his words loving. He struggled at therapy today with focus and diligent work. It has been a tough few days to say the least. Bubs continues to be very mean to his siblings at times. In some ways, I believe the ...