source My kids love to open presents. I cringe at the thought. Sounds crazy that I wouldn't love the experience just as much but in reality I fear the gift-opening time. What shocking statements will my children make upon seeing the objects that have been gifted to them. Especially Bubs and Little Man with all there "struggles." ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Why Christmas Lights Aren’t As Wonderful As We Think
source Each morning in December, I wake up to a beautifully lit Christmas tree. My husband turns on all the lights making a glow that is breath taking. Let me assure that it is not my decor that is spectacular because I am far cry from Martha Stewart. It is the individual lights that put a smile upon my face. And if it ...
Guest Post: Instead of Following Pinterest, Celebrate Advent Your Way
Celebrating Advent Your Way ...
Is Superwoman Your Goal?
Every once in a while I hear the title "superwoman" fly through the air when a group of ladies assemble. This branding is given to the mom who has it all together. Kids are well behaved, meals homemade and nutritious, and her husband praises her. A textbook example of a Proverbs 31 woman. But the more that I endeavor with all my ...
Fabulous Christmas Food to Eat or Share
Food is tightly associated with the holidays. And why not? Christmas brings about some of the yummiest morsels of food that there is. In this post, I have gathered our favorite recipes! This is one of our family's favorites at Christmas and I don't believe that my mom can make enough batches. This is truly the best English Toffee recipe ...
Christmas Activities for a Group of Kiddos
Do you have a group of children to entertain this holiday season? Maybe at your house or at the grandparents? Whenever we get together with family or friends, there are many littles who need just a little direction or mayhem erupts. Last Christmas I set out ice cream cones and left over Halloween candy to make Cone Christmas ...
Make Homemade Christmas Wrapping Paper with Your Child
One of the activities in the ABCJesusLovesMe free, Basic 2 Year Curriculum is to make homemade wrapping paper. It makes adorable presents and allows the kiddos to be involved in the gift giving process. Plus there is virtually no cost and is teaches recycling! Whenever I receive a package in the mail that is stuffed with brown paper, I smooth ...
The PERFECT Christmas Gift to Give to Relatives
Hand and Footprint Calendar Also see - Hand and Footprint Calendar Template ...
Winner: The Promise
Thank you to everyone who entered to win The Promise. The winner is.... Cherry Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Thursday night (December 12th) at midnight so that I can get the video mailed to you! Congrats! And if you didn't win, order The Promise from Amazon today to ...
“Happy Birthday, Jesus” Party
Happy Birthday, Jesus Party ...