Have you ever read a book that constantly left your surprised? Shades of Morning did that for me. If you would have asked me to guess the plot at the beginning, I would have been totally wrong! Marnie Wittier liked life the way it was. She finally had her coffee house and book store. The past was the past and there was ...
FAQ: Same Supplies for Every Child
Here is a question I have been asked several times: Of the items on the Supplemental Materials pages, does every child need their own or can some items be shared? Because I desired to make the curriculum easy to use, I strived to remove as much of the prep work as possible. Also, I tried to minimize the materials needed as much ...
Divorce – Is It the Answer?
Although this is posted on our sister site - Interrupted Expectations - I still wanted to post it here because this is a conversation that I believe every person should read. Be sure to click over and read a review of this re-released book A Time to Embrace (Timeless Love Series) by Karen Kingsbury as well. This conversation about ...
Review: Boz – B-O-Z’s and 1-2-3’s
BOZ the Bear Boz: B-O-Z's and 1-2-3's is the final of my Boz reviews. I hope that you have been inspired to check into the wonderful Boz products. Three 12-minute episodes are included in this DVD: O Say Can U C?, A Carnival of Counting, and B Nice 2 Each Other. Included in the DVD is also the read-along book Count ...
Chores Help Prepare Kids for Adult Life
My friend at Storytime and More blogged about this article - Chores Help Prepare Kids for Adult Life. I thought the suggestions and tips were great. Here's a little teaser: Your three-year-old is not too young to match the socks in the family laundry basket; your five-year-old can make his bed by pulling up the comforter. Your ...
Train, Train, Train Again
Over the past few months, I have had several conversations with a dear friend of mine who has been struggling in the raising of her son. Her girls are obedient but with the normal challenges. He is one of those spirited-blessings that wears out the strongest of moms. One word kept coming up in our conversations - ...
FAQ: Which Curriculum Do I Choose
Jennifer left this question on Facebook: Which [curriculum] would you recommend to use with both a 3-year-old and 4-year-old together? I found myself in this situation last year with Bubs and Sweet Pea. Bubs was one year away from kindergarten and Sweet Pea was three years away. Bubs could write all of this numbers and ...
Thank You…
For the past six months, I have been working on the ABCJLM curriculum to get it ready to print in book form. But I have not been alone in this endeavor. So if you will allow me, I want to take a moment to thank some very special people for blessing, loving, and supporting me through this time. Tina and Raquel - Thank ...
Review: Boz CDs
Boz Treehouse Tunes #1 and Boz Treehouse Tunes #2 are the third media in my review of Boz products. At 22 songs per Cd, these Cd's are a collection of the songs on the DVDs as well as a few new songs. These are the songs that my kids sing over and over around the house, in the car, and as they play. ...
It’s Here!!
After coming up empty handed in my own search, I created a preschool curriculum for Bubs. Under the suggestion of my husband, I decided to make the curriculum available for free to everyone and ABC Jesus Loves Me was born. The response has been nothing but overwhelming. I am honored and humbled that God has allowed me to ...