I gave Bubs the same job today. He was told after we went outside with me, he would have to do this job. At first he dodged the job, giving excuses. I ended up having to send him to another room. I am very excited to say that about ten minutes afterward, he came back with the job completed. There were a few things that needed redone but over all ...
Memory Obstacle Courses
One of the best activities that we have learned through occupational therapy is Memory Obstacle Courses. There are three reasons that I love these obstacle courses: the kids love them, they expend energy while doing them, and learning occurs. Today we did letters and puzzles with a mini trampoline, pillows to crawl over, and "logs" to jump over. I ...
Turn Down the Volume, Please
We have had CRAZY weather here the past couple of days. What I find interesting about it is that Bubs' volume level has been so high. Everything he says or sings is just at the next level. My tension level has been so high today because of the noise level. I truly believe he doesn't realize that he is that loud. He looks at me with those adorable ...
Fine Motor Skills
When Bubs was first tested for sensory issues and fine motor delays, he was in the 1st percentile in fine motor skills. Four months later, he was just retested. Very little improvement. We continue to see the visual side scoring the lowest. On Friday Bubs is going to a visual therapist for the 1st of three visit. This first visit will a simple ...
Helpful Websites
Here are some great websites to learn about Sensory Processing Disorder:http://www.sensory-processing-disorder.com/http://www.spdfoundation.net/ ...
Feeling Led
For the past few days, I have been feeling led to start this blog. Thus, here we go. In the next few days, I will share with you our story. How it all began and where we are now. I will try to explain the emotions of loneliness and stress as we have learned to deal with our out-of-sync life; more importantly, our child with Sensory Processing ...