The title intrigued me. So much of my time, energy, and mental capacity is spent on being a great parent and in turn producing great kids. But in this season of life, I am drained. What gets pushed back first? My marriage. I mean, let's get real. My kids can't go without food, clean clothes, baths, love and the ...
Search Results for: marriage
Princess Part 3
In Princess Part 1, I shared that God has been using different books, scripture and sermons to change my view of princesses. In Part 2, I explained the first three point of a sermon that God used to further drive home the point. But, it is the final part today that I think is most important for us as mom's to ...
The Honeymoon is Over
Is your marriage not what you want it to be? Do you desire it to be better?Click over to our sister site: Interrupted Expectations and read my newest post. ...
A Child’s 10 Commandments to Parents
source At church this weekend Bubs learned about the 10 Commandments. His teachers sent home a sheet that listed "A Child's 10 Commandments to Parents" by Dr. Kevin Leman and I wanted to share it with you. 1. My hands are small; please don't expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture or throw a ball. My legs are ...