When we begin to feel sorry for ourselves, sometimes it helps to look around... Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings, thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf. Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you, Lord, that I can see. Many are blind. Even ...
Day to Day
A Parenting Problem or a Child Problem
During one of my last sleepless, prego nights, an aha moment came to me. Is this current problem a parenting problem or a child problem? My question stemmed from a couple of issues that we are facing at our home. Some of them deal with all of our children while others are child specific. During my time of ...
Are You Kidding Me?
I recently read a quote by Christina Applegate about how she compares the show Married With Children (which made her famous) to TV today. It's so tame (laughing). I feel like we paved the way for the destruction of morality on the tube. Are you kidding me? I seriously had to read this twice to make sure that I didn't ...
God’s Concerns
This week, I am focusing on the "home" aspect of being a wife and mom. The struggle to get it all done while still focusing on those that are important. I cut this out from an unknown source while I was in college. I have tweaked it for moms. God is not concerned with how clean my floor is, how many dishes are on the ...
Age- Appropriate Chores
Chores are a very important part of child-rearing. They teach work-ethic and responsibility. Focus on the Family has a list of age-appropriate chores in a new set of articles called "Motivating Kids to Clean Up." 1.Overview 2.Age-Appropriate Chores 3.Trade Chores With Your Kids 4.Inspire Your Kids to Do Chores 5.My Child Won't Do His ...
Activity or Progress?
Our calendar of activities...Add? Subtract? Change? In this fast paced world, this may be one of the toughest challenges we as parents face. But what drives our calendar? Well rounded kids? Keeping up with the Jones? Not wanting to be home? We have an overall goal for our family - to further the ...
Waffles in the Freezer
To help with school time, the kids assisted me in making waffles so that we would have a nice supply in the freezer. This is my favorite recipe. I actually doubled the recipe this time (pictures above) because when you have the mess you might as well do more! 3/4 cup sugar 10 cups whole wheat flour 2 t. soda 4 t. baking ...
Princess Part 3
In Princess Part 1, I shared that God has been using different books, scripture and sermons to change my view of princesses. In Part 2, I explained the first three point of a sermon that God used to further drive home the point. But, it is the final part today that I think is most important for us as mom's to ...
Princess Part 2
In Princess Part 1, I shared that God has been using different books, scripture and sermons to change my view of princesses. Today, I will explain this by focusing on the first three points presented in yesterday's post. I have learned is that it is our job, as father and mother, to help Sweet Pea understand that ...
Princess Part 1
In our family, we don't do superheros for the boys. We don't do princesses for Sweet Pea...oh wait...but do we? Seem a little contracting? Let me explain... It is our personal conviction not to watch or purchase items that include superheros. When Bubs is exposed to the various popular superheros, he goes ...