It's no secret that this Momma doesn't enjoy being pregnant. Probably because I have so few days that I feel good. Between kidney stones, ribs out of place, morning sickness...don't forget the fatigue and my mind being gone...what a mess. Now I find myself at the end of this long journey with just a few days to go. I can't sleep. I look in the ...
God’s Rainbow
Today has been an emotional day. Nothing has happened really out of the ordinary. Just filled with various emotions. As I have blogged before, this has not been an easy pregnancy. But as I come to the end, the fatigue, questions, and unknown can really get to a person. While studying Isaiah, I realize that the fears that I have are not from ...
Sin is Not Cute
I looked out my kitchen window the other day to see Little Man doing something that he isn't supposed to do. I stepped outside and told him to come here, which he disobeyed. Daddy took over for me at that point. From the kitchen window again, I saw a crying little 2-year-old trying to reason with his Daddy about why he shouldn't be in trouble. ...
It is Not….
This week, I am focusing on the "home" aspect of being a wife and mom. The struggle to get it all done while still focusing on those that are important. Here are two quotes that I recently heard: It is not how much we do but how much love we put into it. M. S. It is not how much we give but how much love we put into what we ...
God’s Concerns
This week, I am focusing on the "home" aspect of being a wife and mom. The struggle to get it all done while still focusing on those that are important. I cut this out from an unknown source while I was in college. I have tweaked it for moms. God is not concerned with how clean my floor is, how many dishes are on the ...
Go to the Source
After a rough night of pregnancy, I woke up pretty discouraged and worn down. Although I am thankful for the process and feel very blessed, I don't enjoy the nine months that precede holding our brand new baby in my arms. For some reason God chose for our children to be born half grown which causes for a very large momma (what I call a ...
An Escape
My dear friend posted a blog about the temptations of life. This is one of those blogs that everyone needs to read. God has used it to speak to me... So, I might as well admit it, sometimes during Bible Study I'm making my grocery list or my to-do list. I know I shouldn't, but somedays I have a hard time focusing. Shocking, ...
Review: Dryel
This review was supposed to occur about a month ago but my dryer was dying and I had to wait for a new one to come in before conducting this review. In this review, I will tell you about the Dryel At-Home Dry Cleaning Starter Kit, Clean Breeze Scent 1 kit and the Dryel On the Go™ Stain Pen. About 10 years ago (when I was in the ...
You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have
Here is something to think about today, taken from the brand new book Great Parents, Lousy Lovers: Discover How to Enjoy Life with Your Spouse While Raising Your Kids by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham. (read my review) Without loving and enjoying God first, we don't have anything of real value to pass on to our spouse, kids, friends, and ...
Activity or Progress?
Our calendar of activities...Add? Subtract? Change? In this fast paced world, this may be one of the toughest challenges we as parents face. But what drives our calendar? Well rounded kids? Keeping up with the Jones? Not wanting to be home? We have an overall goal for our family - to further the ...