If you are following the calendar, this is the 3rd Week of January and Week #21 on the ABCJLM curriculum.
Click for the 3 Year Curriculum and for the 4 Year Curriculum
The 3 Year Curriculum will be studying the Wise and the Foolish Man. This is a fun story to study and a great song to sing along! Also, they will be working on the #9 and letter “o”. Fun activities with spatial concepts, marshmellows and cookie cutters.
The 4 Year Curriculum will be studying forgiveness, the #16, letters “Uu”, and 5 Senses. The Veggie Tales Movies – God Wants Me to Forgive Them & Wonderful Wizard of Ha’s
are great supplemental materials. Much more learning with a block activity, Simon says, and others.
Let me know how this week goes for you!
I had some teachers on facebook asking for Christian curriculum ideas so I was glad to see the links to ABCJesusLoves.com to share with them.