On our last “Talk to Me Thursday”, the question was asked:
I would love to know what Bible time looks like at your home with the little ones.
Is that your Bible time as well, or do you have another set time for devotion??
I totally misread the question when I answered it here. Thankfully “Our Family is His” wrote a comment and helped me see my mistake. So we will try this again. I apologize!
No…my Bible time (devo, quiet time) is separate for both the kids’ Bible time during school and their devotions with Daddy at night. During these times, I am focused on what the kids are learning, their question/answers, and them paying attention. This makes is hard to hear the Holy Spirit!
Because my personality lends to “go-go-go-go….and STOP!”, I can not do devos at night. They just aren’t going to happen. So, I have found it best for me to get up before the kids get up and spend time in the Word.
Currently, I am finishing up reading through the Bible. I am using the The Daily Walk Bible (New Living Translation). Yes, I know that it is April and I am almost finished, but I have found now that I am in the New Testament, it is better for me to read one chapter a day then try to read several. Thus, it has taken me more than a year to read through.
Each morning, after reading each chapter I write a key verse from that chapter and a few points that I feel the Holy Spirit is saying to me in a journal. Honestly, I am not a big journaler so this is really stretching me!
I highly suggest the Daily Walk Bible. It is available in several translations. The Bible is divided into daily portions allowing you to read through the Bible in a year (if so desired). Each day begins with an overview of what you will read, a personal application, and a tidbit of info to learn from.
If you do not have a set quiet time, I encourage you to. Remember that today is a new day. Something is better than nothing. There are many online devotions available – Our Daily Bread or Proverbs 31 Ministry are examples. Write a key point on a notecard and post it where you will see it throughout the day. You will be refreshed in your time with the Lord.
How do you spend your quiet time with your Savior?
I am working my way up to being able to get up before everyone. I just began the process of night weaning Chubba and hopefully with him in his own bed all night I can get up 20 minutes early for bible time. Right now when I try to sneak out of bed he gets right up with me.
I'm going to start saving up for the daily walk bible. I'd love to be able to read through the whole thing in a year.