Bubs is starting to outgrow his current Bible. Although I feel he still gets a lot out of reading the The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories
, now that he is six, I think it is time to move him to the next level.
Tyndale has just updated the Hands-On Bible
. I currently am reading through the New Living Translation in my own quiet time and really like this translation for younger children as well. This Bible is chalked full of extra ideas. There are hands-on experiences in crafts, experiments, journals and more. 52 key verse activities help children learn a verse a week. Each Bible book includes an introduction that helps set the plot and timing of the book. Fun facts are sprinkled throughout. Bible hero biographies help bring the men and women of the Bible to life. I personally love the maps and timelines.
Momma C’s Thoughts:
The Bible is supposedly geared toward children ages 4-8. I personally feel this Bible is better suited for elementary age children. Also, I feel that this would be a better family Bible than a child’s Bible. As we make plans to lead Bubs deeper in the Bible, I am very excited about the possibilities this Bible gives for the coming years. But, it is the free coordinating website http://www.myhandsonbible.com/ that really impresses me. By simply logging in, you are given a plethora of ideas – family devotions, Bible reading plan, scripture songs, and a parents’ forum. The 52 family devotions (one per week) are available to print in pdf form. Each idea extends activities given in the Bible. The reading plan picks out key parts of scripture to give the child a taste of the entire Bible. A few questions follow up the scriptures. The songs are fun and help your child learn the Book of the Bible and other key points.
If you have an elementary age child and are looking for great family activities – this is the Bible for you! I am thrilled to dive in with Bubs in the coming years and would love to have you join us!
Momma C’s rating:
Thank you to Tyndale for allowing me to review this product!
I was thrilled to see this post. Never heard of this Bible, but it sounds like it's right up my alley! We have three young children and this sounds like the perfect tool for family Bible time.
I also teach Children's Church sometimes and was hoping to get some good ideas from the website that coordinates with this Bible…but for some reason it won't let me log in 🙁