The Dragon and the Turtle is a precious story of friendship and caring for others. Throw in some detective work and here is a story that your children will enjoy.
The book begins with a hungry dragon – Padraig – looking for a little more food to satisfy himself. Along the way, he meets a new friend – Roger the Turtle. Sadly, Roger is lost and unable to remember how to get home. Through the use of the five senses, Padraig helps Roger figure out where his home is.
Momma C’s Thoughts:
When the opportunity to review this book arose, I passed it over because of the “dragon” word. I just didn’t know what exactly the plot would entail. Thankfully the chance to review this book was still available later and I am glad that I gave it a chance.
The very first word of the book is “Padraig.” With my very poor phonics skills, I panicked! The very first word of the book and I don’t know how to pronounce it. Thankfully, the internet has answers to all questions and I learned this Irish name is often pronounced “paw-drig.” Names that are unfamiliar are frustrating to me in children’s books but that is a personal thing.
Following the story are two pages to guide parents in a discussion about friendship. The Bible verse Proverbs 17:17 is included. I really appreciate these suggestions and find that ideas from one book can be carried over to other books that I read. Also included is a recipe for Chocolate Chip Snappers. Use this book in a series on the five senses or friendship and bake cookies afterward! Not mentioned in the suggestion page, take the story a step further and allow your child to describe his/her home using the five senses.
Although the two friends had just met, Padraig was willing to forget about his own desires to focus on the needs of Roger. Even after several attempts, Padraig was very patient and kind. While looking for Roger’s home, the turtle and dragon talk about their likes. While they found some things in common, there were several different variations of their likes. Neither character cared that they had differences. What examples of true friendship!
This book is filled with possibilities for preschool and elementary aged children. While the preschool child can appreciate the story, the elementary child can be lead further into the meaning.
This book has been added to the ABCJLM 4 Year Curriculum in studying the five senses.
Momma C’s Rating:
Thank you to Waterbook Press for the opportunity to review this book.
I read this review in another spot you had posted it. I'm so glad you liked the book and again I want to mention that I liked your ideas for expanding the use of the book. We have a website with more ideas and we welcome additional input. And we have a second book coming out in January, The Dragon and Turtle Go on Safari.
Donita – Thank you so much for stopping by. I look forward to reading the next book and hope that you will let me review a copy! Thank you for creating such a great book.