Since we are in the life of a newborn again, I am back to nursing 6-7 times a day. This gives the kiddos several opportunities to get in a trouble because Mommy is stuck in a chair or on the couch. They know that I have no problem disciplining in the middle of a feeding but let’s be real, it is harder. I like to use this time to read or play games but sometimes they get sick of it and want something more. That got me thinking…
I introduced you to Jelly Telly a few months back when I reviewed the new What’s in the Bible DVD’s. Jelly Telly is the creation of Phil Vischer. If you recognize this name, Phil is the original creator of Veggie Tales. He has come back to his original calling and is working to bring the Bible to life for kids on a daily basis.
Mission of Jelly Telly:
1) Help raise the next generation of Christians so they know what they believe and know how to live it
2) Launch the next generation of Christian story tellers
LOVE this!!! When I viewed the Jelly Telly website a few months back, there was a fee to view the daily videos but the weekly ones were free. I thought that it would be totally worth it to pay the small fee so that they would have something to view during that rough mid-morning feeding each day.
But right now, I was able to subscribe for the first month free!!!! I can not find a price anywhere on the website so I don’t know what will happen after my first month is over but for right now, my kiddos are loving watching 30 minutes of Jelly Telly’s every day. They view the same characters that they have fallen in love with from the What’s in the Bible DVD’s. Learning Bible stories and memories verses. Hearing songs and jokes.
I highly suggest that you take a trip over to Jelly Telly and give it a try!
Hello, Momma C.
I am a father of three young sons. My wife and I also have many nieces and nephews across our extended families and close friends, including some with challenges and blessings similar to yours. I am impressed with the content and purpose of your blog and other related sites. Most impressive is how relevant, up-to-date, and real it is (this coming from one who is NOT on Facebook and who remains skeptical of the Internet overall!).
I just stumbled across your blog spot in search of an answer to the same question you recently posted above regarding monthly subscription costs for Jelly Telly. Without officially registering myself due to concerns that are likely the same as your own (i.e., what am I about to commit to before I actually sign up?), I supply the following two web links as an answer.
The bottom line answer is that JellyTelly accepts any regular monthly amount you feel is acceptable for such a program and its content. The first web link is an article that, although two years old, helps explain this marketing idea more thoroughly.
The second link is a comment by creator Phil Vischer, posted on his blog only five days after your own question entry above. He implies some mixed feelings about this payment approach and, for full disclosure, announces a second "beta" Jelly Telly children's web site. My first impression of this second site is that it is equally as good as the original for our children and perhaps has even more content items. Currently this site does not ask for monthly payments, but the user has an option to give donations online. Additionally, no registration appears necessary unless you want to receive the site's newletter.
I hope this can help you and others with the same question. Thanks to you, your husband, and children for continuing to show each of us how normal an out-of-sync-but-in-Christ life can be!
May the Lord be with you,
Joe in Virginia