In the first few moments of holding this Bible, I knew that I had just found my Bible of choice for the 5 Year Curriculum. My husband knew he had just found a Bible for night time devos with the kids.
If this title rings a bell, just a year ago I reviewed the bigger brother to this Bible – Hands-On Bible NLT. I really liked what I saw but knew it would be a little while before we could use it. This Bible is perfect for our pre-Kindergarten and first grader!
Seriously, I can’t wait to start this review and tell you all the amazing items in this book! we go!
- This Bible is scripture. Not stories. The text is taken from the New Living Translation.
- As you read the scripture, hand print divide the verses. Each handprint provides a “hands-on activity” to do to enhance the reading. Most of the activities are simply doing-the-text movement but some are a little more detailed.
- Prayer Time – Each story has a prayer written out that targets a learning point from the story.
- Let’s Talk – Questions to help the child apply the lesson to his/her daily life. I love how most of the questions are focused on God.
- Activities – A variety of things that you can do with the child to further learning, application, and time together.
- Song Time – Many stories contain a song to sing. Many are set to familiar tunes while some are standard “Sunday School songs.”
- Jesus Connection – LOVE THIS!!! Each Bible story shows how it connects to Jesus.
The illustrations are soft and real looking. The book contains a good ratio of words and pictures. The pages are not over busy but are easy to follow and make all of the connections.
If you have a child who is four to eight years old, I highly suggest this Bible. Look for it in the ABCJLM 5 Year Curriculum – coming soon!
Thank you to Tyndale for allowing me to review this Bible!
Yea! I just ran across the Hands On Bible, but my kids are 5 and 2 so I knew we'd have to wait to use it, too. I'm so excited to have a little person version!
I've been looking for a good children's Bible that would work for both Adam and Drew. Thanks so much for this recommendation!