As a child, one the “hot” toys at church were these large cardboard boxes. We built, knocked down, and hit at our creations almost every Sunday and Wednesday. My mom gave me this idea of how to make large blocks out of juice containers. Super easy!
Cut the top off the containers and wash out. Allow to dry.
Slide one container inside the other.
Cover. I would suggest using something heavy like a brown grocery bag or freezer paper.
Use these blocks to make a Jericho Wall, Tower of Babel, or build a manger for Jesus. The sky is the limit!
We do the same thing but with empty kleenex boxes gift wrapped in brown paper bags. It helped teach my then just three year old how to use the tape dispenser and wrap a gift! We continue to add to our block collection. Target kleenex boxes have worked the best for us, and they are all the same size for building!