As an author, Sheila Walsh wants girls to know that they are God’s princesses. Her books are written to assure little girls that they are precious and loved by Him. Gabby, God’s Little Angel explains that God watches out for His princesses by putting “His angels in charge” of them (Ps 91:9,11).
The story begins with an introduction to Gabby, a determined little angel who experiences many mishaps. Gabby receives her assignment to protect a little girl much like herself named Sophie. Add in some horses and you have a little girl’s dream plot!
Sweet Pea and I were very excited to read this story. We have enjoyed two other books by Sheila Walsh and hoped this would be the third. The illustrations are adorable. Soft and calming. Precious drawings that especially draw in the preschool and early elementary aged little girl.
Unfortunately, the story was a little rough and lost Sweet Peas’ interest. A couple of “funnies” flew right over my almost-five-year-old daughter’s head (i.e. a play-on-words with the word “playground”). I found the sentences hard to read and cumbersome at times causing me to reread to gather the meaning ( i.e. “It was a …no, not really, it was more of a, well, and yet…on the other hand…you could describe it as…oh dear, perhaps just a musical mishap!”). I was disappointed because the story had a lot of potential and I could see where the author wanted to go but the it got lost in the wordiness.
I would love to see the author continue this story but tighten up the writing.
Thank you to Tommy Nelson for allowing me to review this book.
I LOVE LOVE Sheila Walsh. But some of her recent children's books have really been off for whatever reason. Hopefully she gets back on track!