I love the bluntness of The Message. As I stated earlier, I am reading through the Proverbs using this “version” of the Bible. Here is an example:
Proverbs 18:13 – Answering before listening is both stupid and rude.
The Holy Spirit made these words pop off the page.
How many times do I do that to my children? I assume what they are going to say. Then instead of “wasting” my time listening to something that I know they are going to say (boy is that loving), I cut them off.
But yet, how many times do I look back and realize if I would simply have heard them out, I would have seen the matter from their point of view, from their heart. I would have realized a misunderstanding had occurred. Maybe a teachable moment was sitting within reach. Simply through listening…
Once again the God inspired Word hits right where I need it.
I thought I was the only one. 🙁 I really struggle with this in my personal relationships. I hope that I am growing by grace in this area, but I know that God isn't finished with me yet!