Think back to your last 48 hours. Go ahead…think about what you did.
Now, think about what you are proud of from the last two days. Maybe you bit your tongue instead of lashing out or you chose to spend your time wisely. Yeah you! It’s okay; go ahead and celebrate!!!
But, what about those activities, thoughts, and words you would like to wish away?
If you are like me, the enemy really tries to beat me up about these points. A bad moment feels like a horrific month. Suddenly I feel like the worst mom in the world. Just as I tell my children not to, I blow the whole thing out of proportion because I begin to believe the lies.
It’s when I bring these thoughts to the Lord that I am able to separate the lies from the truth. I confess my sins, receive forgiveness, and find the grace that a mommy needs to pick myself back up. And, I invite the Holy Spirit to lead me through the next moments.
Friends, give yourself grace. God does!
Share to Encourage Others:What is something the enemy is beating you up? How are you dealing with this?
Thank you, how encouraging.. =)