My husband interjected an interesting comment one day into a conversation that I was having with a friend. We were discussing morning quiet time and the importance of.
He said, “God took Heidi to the point that she had to have quiet time to make it through the day.”
Backing away from the situation, I realized he was correct. The chaos, frustration, exhaustion that comes with being the mother of four had brought me to the point that I had to read the Bible, soak up God’s peace, and rest in His arms each morning. Otherwise, I was setting myself and my family up for a yucky day.
Understand, a quiet time is not the secret to an easy day. Things will go wrong with or without it but it is my attitude that is different during those frustrating moments.
Maybe you are not at the point that you must spend time with God each morning. That is okay. I had to go pretty far down before I realized it!
But, I encourage you to start. Begin each morning with a verse or two. The Bible is addictive. And, it is a safe addiction! God will see your willing heart and He will do the rest.
So far, I have shared with you the how, what, when, where, and why of quiet times as well as ideas of what to study. But some of you are already thinking, “But My Children Are Young…” This will be next in our series.