Glean ideas in this five-part series.
1. What is a Daily Quiet Time?
2. How to Create a Prayer Journal that Works
3. Do I Really Have to Get Up Early?: When to Have a Quiet Time
4. Does Where Really Matter?
5. The Best Devotionals to Guide Your Quiet Time
Everyday I answer a multitude of questions on Facebook and through email. In thinking through each of the topics covered, I realize the answer is always tied to our relationship with our Savior. Whether the question is on the struggles in a marriage, family, or ones’ emotionally needs, we will be in turmoil when our relationship with God is lacking.
But I am busy. Life is challenging. There is so much to do!

Martha could relate. She felt pressured to get everything done causing bitterness began creeping in. In Luke 10:38-42, we find her complaining that she was doing all of the work while her sister sat at Jesus’ feet doing “nothing.”
Much to her surprise Jesus rebuked her protest.
Martha, Martha … you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.
Jesus said, “Only one thing is needed, Martha, and you are missing it.” Martha got wrapped up in all the “stuff” that needed to be done and lost sight of the “one thing.”
I can totally relate. As women, we have so much “stuff” to do. As more and more “stuff” piles up like a mound of dirty laundry, the “one thing” gets buried deeper and deeper. Just as Jesus refocused Martha’s attention, He will refocus us if we simply ask.
It is imperative that we ready our hearts each day to hear from God, experience His love, and learn His will.

What is a Daily Quiet Time?
In simple terms, having a quiet time or devotional is daily spending a few moments reading God’s Word, praying, and reflecting.
A quiet time is a moment set aside to be still and focus on God, who He is, and who He desires us to be.
Think of it as a “time out” for mommy.
Priscilla Shirer explains in her study Armor of God:
Meditating on the Word, internalizing its principles, and then implementing them in our actions is what supports the work of God’s Spirit in renewing our soul.
Quiet time is when we spend time with God and He reveals Himself to us and molds us into His image.
Isn’t that our goal anyway? To be a mirror image of God? For people to see God in how we love and live life?
That is my hearts cry. I pray that it is yours as well.

Psalm Reading Plan
Last week I encouraged you to dig deep into Psalm 23. While it is the most popular Psalm, 149 other Psalms contain encouragement, truth, and wisdom.
The Psalms are so amazing that evangelist and author Billy Graham and his wife read five Psalms every day and Mr. Graham claimed it to be his favorite Old Testament book.
One half of all the quotes that Jesus made from the Old Testament came from the book of Psalms, because the psalmist lived every experience that we live. He was up one day and down the next. He had every kind of thought. Then he would talk to God about it.
A few months ago, I asked on the SISTERS group what everyone was studying in their daily Quiet Times. Carrie shared, “I’m going through Psalms and writing down the attributes of God.” I loved the idea and asked for more details.

Using the premise of her idea, I added to the ABCJesusLovesMe Resource Library a free Reading Plan breaking the Psalms into short, daily readings and including ideas to journal through the Psalms. I would love to have you join me on this journey.
Download your free Psalm Reading Plan, grab your Bible, journal, and pen. Then spend time reading, praying, and reflecting…focusing on the “one thing needed.”
Next week…Creating a Quiet Time Prayer Journal that Works