I saw a pin on Pinterest that immediately spoke to my heart. I don’t know who to give credit to other than a Surprisepix but it was so simple and just what I needed.
As I have been reading chapter 5 and 6 of Shepherding a Child’s Heart with our online book study group, it is becoming more and more clear that I can provide for my kids all the “right” stuff and involve them in the “right” activities… I can be the “perfect” parent… I can expose them to all the “right” learning… but in the end each one of our children have to make the choice on their own – obey and love the God who created them or turn away from His invitation.
As a mom this twists my heart. We all know kids who grew up in loving, solid Christian homes who have gone astray. And we know kids who grew up in non-Christian, abusive homes who are sold out for Jesus. In my earthly mind…it doesn’t make sense. What I want is a formula. If I do x, y, and z then my kids will love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds. I want to know if I do what is needed then I can control the outcome.
And, I bet you do too.
I always knew I was a control freak but I never realized how much I deeply desired to control my children’s destiny.
The photo on Pinterest is of a person standing along the ocean. In the clouds is the title “Let Go” but when you look closer, a “d” has been added to the ended so it states “Let God.” See when we let go, we are letting God. When I stop trying to be the perfect parent and instead focus on bring glory to God, I am letting God take the reigns.
As I stared at the image the Holy Spirit said, “Heidi, let go of your children. They aren’t yours in the first place. I love them more than even you could imagine. I’ve got this.”
As a reminder, I created my own “Let Go(d)” image which is now my screensaver.
I thought maybe you would like to create one too so I have made basic instructions using the free image and photo editing software Paint.net. This is the program that I use to create all of the worksheets and images for the ABCJLM website and this blog. Please understand that these directions are written assuming you have some computer knowledge.
Download Paint.net for free
File – Open – Find the photo you desire to work with
Window – Make sure that you have Tools, Colors, and Layers Options Chosen. This will create three little boxes on the screen.
Crop the picture if needed using the tool inside the “Tools” window that looks like a square (at the top beside the arrow) to highlight what you want to keep and then click on the crop tool (found under the word “Layers” in the top menu)
Layer – Add New Layer (You will see a new layer added to your “Layers” window)
Choose the “T” option in your Tools Window – This allows you to write text
Click on the photo where you want the text to begin. Type “LET GO” without clicking enter, change the font and size from the top menu (I used Gill Sans MT Condensed, 72). Move the text where you would like.
Click outside of the photo. Choose the “T” (text) option again. This time in the Colors window click on the gray square and then choose “More.” Slide the arrow to the right on the “V” scale to make the gray a lighter color.
Click on the photo and type “D”. Align the letter to match the others.
In the Layers window, click on the fourth button over which is the down arrow on top of pages. This will join the layers.
Save your photo and display in a place where you will be reminded to let go and let God.