If you hang out with me for a time, you will hear me say the phrase “gift of work” several times. I am convinced that one of my jobs as a mom is to give my children the gift of work – to build them a work ethic. Summer is a fabulous time to do this as the time is more readily available and chores are available outside and inside the home.
Beside the fact that work is a part of life, I want to train our children to see what jobs need to be done and to jump in with both feet to see them finished – without having to be asked. I desire our children to see the value of work and to see how they can bless God through it.
The Bible is filled with verses about laziness. Whether they are folding clothes, emptying the dishwasher, or taking out the trash, my prayer is that the kids will learn to “work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Col 3:2).
With that said, here are the responsibilities that our children will have this summer. Each item is written on a magnet and placed on their magnetic boards. (Read yesterday’s post on creating a summer schedule.)
Bubs (age 9)
Due to Bubs’ processing and memory disorders, his list is very specific.
- Put Clothes On
- Medicine/Vitamins
- Brush Hair
- Eat
- Brush Teeth
- Bedroom
- Closet
- Make Bed
- Bathroom
- Therapy
- Bible
- Read
- Math
- Writing
- Feed Fish
- Shower
- Pajamas
- Teeth
Sweet Pea (age 6)
Sweet Pea is very organized and Type A. She has a great memory and uses the list more because she likes organization than because she needs it! It does help her check to make sure she hasn’t forgotten something.
- Make Bed
- Clothes
- Hair
- Eat
- Vitamins
- Teeth
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Bible
- Read
- Math
- Writing
- Shower
- Pajamas
- Teeth
Little Man (age 5)
- Make Bed
- Meds/Vitamins
- Clothes
- Eat
- Teeth
- Empty Dishwasher
- Reading
- Writing
- Math
- Bible
- Pick up Playroom
- Shower
- Pajamas
- Teeth
Peanut (age 2)
- Make Bed
- Clothes
- Eat
- Vitamins
- Teeth
- Empty Dishwasher – Silverware
- Help Mommy
- School
- Pick up Playroom
- Shower
- Pajamas
- Teeth
The kids also help with setting/clearing the table every day. Laundry is also a contribution when needed. The kids bring the clothes baskets to me as well has help with sorting, folding, and putting away. (Yes, even Peanut helps with this.) I have magnets for these and add them when needed. During the summer they also help with watering flowers and garden work.
Read More
- Chore Ideas based upon age
- Money Management and Behavior System for Children
- Why Chores Are Important for Children
- Age-Appropriate Chores and Cooking Ideas