Summer is coming and I couldn’t be more excited! Our older kids will finally be out of school (13 snow days really pushed back the ending date) and the weather will finally be warm enough for swimming, picnics, and camping.
Several of you have asked about a summer schedule and how to continue learning through the middle months, so I wanted to shared our plans.
I work very hard to keep our summer schedule as low key as possible. Other than a week of Vacation Bible School and Bubs’ twice-weekly therapy sessions, I want the summer to be filled with a little school time, lots of relaxation, tons of fun, and ample amount of family time. We have been invited to do several camps and workshops but I fight hard to guard their time since I realize these younger years are fleeting.
Since Daddy goes to work in the wee-hours of the morning, beginning the day is up to me. Morning routines will be very similar to the winter months except a little later start time and more relaxed beginning since we don’t have to be out of the house at a certain time.
7:00 am – The kids are free to leave their rooms. Until this point, they may read, play quietly, or sleep (fat chance of that!). Once they wake, they will be responsible for making their bed, changing their clothes, and picking up their rooms. Each child uses a magnetic board (pictured below) to monitor these activities and contributions (chores). They simply slide the magnets to the opposite side when the chore is finished. This makes is easy for me to monitor and for them to remember.
7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Contributions (Tomorrow’s post)
8:30 School time
Little Man is working on the academic points that I want to polish before he begins Kindergarten this fall – sentence writing, math facts, and continuing reading.
Peanut (age 3) will continue working through the ABC Jesus Loves Me Preschool Curriculum.
Sweet Pea and Bubs – They will both daily read, write and draw in a journal, and do math facts. They will also work on reading comprehension.
These activities will be done with me, with Grams over Skype, independently, or through computer games. (Thursday, I will share the free online computer games we will be using.)
As a family we will also read a chapter book while the kids draw in their journals. Last year we read a Little House on the Prairie book. There are several books on the ABCJLM Late Elementary Reading Level list that I would like to read with the kids this summer.
My aunt gave us the book Welcome to the Family by Valerie Wilson which we will use for Bible time. Since three of our kiddos have professed faith in Jesus Christ, I thought it would be good to go over this “Guide for Kids who Know the Savior.” Each lesson contains a little Bible reading and explanation of what it means to be a Christian.
While this sounds like a lot of objectives, this will take one hour tops. If the child is focused, he or she is done with the major responsibilities by 9:30 each day. This provides each of them with plenty of time to play outside, swim, or build Legos.
Throughout the summer, the kids will also help in the garden and various other household chores.
9:30 – 11:30 Playtime
12:30 Reading Time
1:00 – 3:00 Nap Time or Quiet Time (This is also my work time.)
3:00 Snacks, Play Time
5:30 Supper
7:00 Family Devotions followed by bed time
Tomorrow’s Post – Contributions
How are you spending your summer days?
Love the fact that you still use 'nap or quiet' time. My friends are always shocked when i tell them that we still have nap time in my household–but i can tell on the days that we are on the go and don't have it. Super big change in attitude
Quiet Time is vital in our home – for mommy and kids. It makes a huge difference in attitudes and behavior.