Did you see my post on Facebook a few weeks ago expressing my excitement for an upcoming giveaway? Even though I couldn’t share the details at the time, I had to wet your appetite with my good news because the 3rd Thanks-Giveaway is What’s in the Bible? products!!!!
And you all know how much I {love} the What’s in the Bible? products.
Thus my huge excitement!
The wonderful WITB team has provided us with a Christmas Bundle containing three fabulous products to help your family focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Our kids love this DVD. So much so that they watch it in July. And no, they haven’t ever heard of Christmas in July. They just love hearing about Christmas trees, where Santa Claus originated, and how the calendar system was developed. Brought to you by the puppets that we have fallen in love with in the WITB DVD’s, this DVD focuses solely on Christmas and the meaning behind the holiday. In a way only Phil Vischer can, topics are covered in a clever and childlike way making it easy to grasp the learning.
A shortened version of the video, your child can read the real story behind Christmas to learn who Santa Claus is, why it’s called Christmas, why stockings are hung, who St. Nicolas was, and how it all intertwines together.
One funny difference between the book and the videos is that the puppet name Marcy doesn’t wear a headset in the book. In one of the videos (I believe the Christmas one) a puppet asks Marcy why she always wears a headset. She explains that it is glued to her head. My kids noticed right off in the book she was missing the headset.

But this deal isn’t done! (imagine my best TV commercial voice announcing this statement)
What’s in the Bible? Volume Ten – Jesus is the Good News!
Covering the Gospels, Volume 10 is my favorite What’s in the Bible DVD. I have never heard the Good News of Jesus put so simply yet tie the entire Bible together so well. At one point in watching the video, Sweet Pea leaned over to me and said, “I’m about to cry.” This video is powerful. Yet it doesn’t play on your emotions. It simply explains what Jesus did for each one of us. Read more of my review here.…
And here’s a sneak peak of the Christmas Video. Click to view the video if unseen.
We own all of the What’s in the Bible? videos and have given them away for gifts because we believe these videos should be in every home. I truly believe this. Because, no matter what your age, you will learn something about “What’s in the Bible.” Thus, my excitement for this giveaway.
The third Thanks-Giveaway on our blog consists of two individual DVD’s and one Christmas Bundle.
These products would be a lovely addition to the Christmas Traditions in your home or to place under the tree for Christmas morning. And if you don’t have a personal use, these would be a wonderful gift for a niece, nephew, or friend. Be sure to share this giveaway with your family and friends for them to enter as well!
Enter: To enter, leave a comment with your first name and last initial on this post along with your favorite Christmas tradition.
Bonus Points: Want to earn extra chances to win? If you are not currently subscribed to this blog, now is the time! Leave a separate comment below letting me know that you subscribed ~and~ confirmed your email address or that you subscribed to the RSS Feed.
Giveaway details: I will choose and announce three random winners on this blog on Friday, November 21st. (So, be sure to check back to see if you have won!) You will have until Thursday (11-20-14) at 7:00 p.m. (CST) to enter in this giveaway. You must have an US address to win. If you have won a product on this blog in the last 3 months or this same product on another blog, you are not eligible to win again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
Read disclosure policy.
Maria S. Playing games on Christmas eve with our whole family#
MariAnne C. We wait until Grandpa calls and officially proclaims it Christmas Eve. Then everyone gets to open one present which is usually a new pair of Christmas pajamas.
Elisabeth W.
My favorite Christmas tradition is trimming the tree and sitting together watching the lights, drinking eggnog, and singing carols.
Casey B. : My favorite Christmas tradition issssss……well, its hard to pick one. I guess baking cookies, decorating and driving around on Christmas eve looking at lights are my top three favorites.
I'd love to win these for the kiddos! Favorite tradition would be reading the Christmas Story around a delicious breakfast in our new Christmas jammies. Sarah K.
Sherry T.
My favorite Christmas traditions are:
Going to Christmas Eve service & then reading about the birth of Jesus from the Bible on Christmas morning.
My favorite Christmas tradition is going to see Christmas lights the Saturday night before Christmas. I make everyone a travel cup of cider or hot chocolate and we drive through town looking at the lights while singing Christmas carols. It's the first tradition my husband and I have created. We did it while dating and have done it every year since.
Bonus entry I'm subscribed and confirmed my email address
Amanda E There are so many, I love making crafts with the kids through out the month. Then on Christmas Eve we snuggle up and watch movies. On Christmas day we wake up and make cinnamon rolls and later in the day we have family over for Christmas dinner.
Crystal W. One of my favorite traditions is taking our children (this year 3, 11, 13 and 18) shopping for a child that is less fortunate. Plus the big Christmas breakfast my husband and I cook for the family.
April B. – We love baking cookies and putting up our Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music.
Beth D. – watching Christmas movies and shipping hot chocolate!
cloudnine_86@ subscribed to blog.
Penny S. I subscribed pennyreel76@gmail.com
Amy W. Decorating the tree and baking ornaments with lots of littles!
Shannon M. Baking with the family and listening to Christmas music. And now my little ones get to help with the cookies!
Jennifer C. – one of my favorite Christmas traditions is singing Christmas carols while watching the lights of our Christmas tree.
Amy S. : Christmas Eve Mass with the family.
Kay G: My favorite Christmas tradition is that even though my children are 23 and 19 years old, we get up at 4 or 430AM Christmas morning to read the Christmas story and enjoy gifts. We started this when my children were babies because my husband works at our local hospital and has always worked a double 1st and 2nd shift so others could take off to be with their families.
Sarah K. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is having a fondue party!
Regina S. I love everything about Christmas but my favorite with my littles is the 25 books of Christmas. I wrap up 25 books and put them under the tree (most are books we already have). They unwrap one each evening and we read it together, leading up to reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve.
Denise D. – My favorite Christmas tradition has to be simply that we always spend it with all of our family – mine for lunch and husband's for dinner. Love being with family.
Regina S–Subscribed and confirmed account.
Rachel G
Decorating a Christmas ornament with the kids 🙂
Melissa R – my favorite tradition is getting up early with the kids and watching them be excited 🙂 and then eating my husbands cranberry pancakes!!
Melissa R – subscriber!
Hannah N. — I think my favorite Christmas tradition might be the Advent calendar we do, with each day having an activity or something we can share together.
Hannah N — I've subscribed and confirmed my email.
Brandie B – I am a new foster mom and a reasonably new gramma. I am developing traditions now with the kids. Learning how to cook so we can all bake as a family and give home gifts. Teaching the children about Christmas is probably what I am most looking forward to.
We love our children's holiday pageant at Church. All the kiddos are dressed up and so excited to be in front of the congregation to share what they have learned. The spirit of the Lord shows bright in them.
Elizabeth B. – Christmas Eve family share box where we open it and find things we can do together – a new movie, popcorn, hot chocolate, and a game to play.
Brianna B. Eating our Christmas meal by candlelight, Devi g to look at lights while singing songs, and watching Christmas movies while decorating the tree and home 🙂
Elizabeth B. – our Christmas Eve Share Box that we open together – it has things we do together, usually a movie, new PJs, hot chocolate to make, popcorn, and a game to play.
Elizabeth B. – subscribed and confirmed
Sierra M. I love driving around and looking at Christmas lights and now that I have children my main focus is to teach them about what Christmas really is all about.
Jessica K. My husband being off work for a few weeks to spend time with my son and I.
Lynn S- I have an Advent calendar that was handed down from my childhood that I did with my older children (they are in their late 20's) now we do it with our 2 & 4 yr old adopted children ❤️ I also recreated one to give to my daughter for my three grandchildren, ages 2, 4 & 6. Wonderful to know as we are doing it at home, the next generation is too!!
Monica S. We started a couple years ago loading up the car with snacks and hot chocolate and my kids and drive around for a couple hours looking at Christmas lights and singing. We drive until my boys fall asleep.
Denise B. Our first date was driving around town looking at Christmas lights while drinking hot cocoa. Now, 10 years later, we load up the kids in the minivan, hot cocoa in sippy cups and all, and drive around looking at the lights. 🙂
Stephanie H. I love baking with my mom, sisters, nieces, daughter, and friends and looking at Christmas lights and decorations. My daughter was only 1 1/2 last year but was so excited about everything. She made us go to the neighbor's yard nightly to look at their decorations. She's already spotted a yard decorated this season and got so excited! It's great experiencing Christmas through a child's eyes.
Stephanie H. I'm subscribed to the blog. 🙂
Virginia T – We love to decorate early and listen to Christmas music all of November and December.
April Sweet. My favorite tradition is pancakes and hot chocolate with the family on Christmas morning.
olga a- my favorite tradition is my entire family (husbands, wives, children) all getting together and having a gift exchange. With the fireplace going and grandpa adding firewood, we throw all the giftwrap in there. Then we feast on delicious food we get only once a year while spending time together laughing and sharing stories from the year past.
April Sweet – I am a subscriber & have confirmed my email address.
Sierra M. Subscribed
Alissa L. My favorite tradition is watching the kids open presents on Christmas Eve at Grammy and Papa's house, then the adults do a white elephant exchange!
Ashley S. I am a subscriber.
My favorite Christmas tradition is the whole family getting together and spending time at my grandmother's house. But I think I will have a new favorite this year since I will be doing the Christmas eve surprise box with my kids.
Noel C. ~ my family and I love to open one gift on Christmas eve that has new jammies and a blanket with some hot cocoa and a movie we can watch.
Noel C ~ bonus! I am subscribed =)
Carlene M– making and decorating gingerbread houses, then "doorbell ditching" them on friends' porches 😉
Charity J. – Since we live 600 miles away from both sides of the family, our Christmas tradition is to visit family. Spending time with them is priceless! 🙂
Hannah G. – my favorite Christmas tradition is to put up our tree after Thanksgiving and share memories of all the ornaments together as a family.
Alicia B. Our favorite Christmas tradition is opening one present Christmas eve, which is always matching pjs, then reading the Christmas story in said pjs before bed!
Amy M. Going to Christmas Eve Service as a family then camping out in the backyard! Yes, we live in Florida where we can do that 🙂
Kayleigh T. Our favorite Christmas tradition is putting on our warm jammie's with hot chocolate and cinnamon toast on Christmas Eve and watching The Polar Express…along with many others! =)
I have subscribed to your blog by e-mail: amymarie1218
Alicia B. Just subscribed abd confirmed my email!
Rachel F.-Going to Christmas eve service with my family and staying up late playing games and opening gifts.
Subscribed too.
My favorite tradition: every year (14 yrs now for my two stepsons and 4yr and 2yr for my LOs) I get the kids a new photo ornament with the year on it and we pick a picture from that year to put in the ornament; each child gets to hand their own ornaments on the tree. The older two are now 21yr and 17yrs old (we've been doing it since they were 2 and 6yrs old) so they have quite a few ornaments and seeing the different pictures and how they have changed through the years is so awesome. They enjoy having their own personal ornaments to put on the tree too! 🙂
Jennifer F.
Getting together with all of our ffamily for chili and oyster stew on Christmas eve then going to midnight service.
Jen M. – My favorite tradition so far is our Jesus Birthday Party with friends. My best friend and I have toddlers & babies (3 each). We read story books about Jesus birth, sing and Sign (sign language) songs, decorate cupcakes & sing Happy Birthday to Jesus, & play 'Pin the Hay on the Manger' (not kidding, it's a thing!). It's so fun. Neither of us were raised in Christian households so we are starting our traditions from scratch. We would love to have this new DVD for our party!!
Jen M. – I just subscribed to your blog and confirmed my email (aejmama).
Nicole C – We eat fondue on Christmas Eve and all open our stockings together on our bed!
Maureen U.
We hang a lantern from our ceiling and light it every evening. My husband can see it from the street when he comes home from work. We tell our son about the shepherds who followed the star to find the Lord Jesus.
Heather R- Before we open gifts Christmas morning we make cinnamon rolls and orange slices, read the Christmas story from Luke, and then my husband plays hymns on his guitar while the children and I sing and dance around!
Kristen E
My fav thing about Christmas is going to Christmas Eve church service with the family, it's so simple and just about Jesus.
Megan B – We subscribe to the "three gift method"… Jesus got gold, frankincense and myrrh, and so do we. Our "gold" gift is something special that we really want – just because we're loved. Our "frankincense" gift is something that goes on the body (accessories, clothing, make-up, lotion, etc). Our "myrrh" gift is something for our spiritual lives (a new Bible or devotional, a new worship CD, etc)… so these videos would make excellent myrrh gifts for my sons 🙂
I subscribe!
Kim S. making Christmas cookies.
Amanda S. – My siblings and I always go back home Christmas Eve with our new families, and we still pretend to be like children and our parents still put out the gifts after we go to bed. Then on Christmas morning we still get to enjoy the Christmas magic of waking up and going downstairs to see our tree full of gifts. Then we spend all morning together opening the gifts and enjoying each others company.
Monica B
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Monica B
My favorite Christmas tradition is attending Church on Christmas Day
Karen V.
My favorite Christmas tradition is our Christmas Eve dinner. We have shepherd's pie, Caesar salad, Magi bread and angel food cake.
Kimberly C. Our kids are still really little so each year it seems like we add our own little traditions but my personal favorite tradition is decorating the tree and the house. When I was little me and my mom would do it together all while playing all her old Christmas music some of it was old quartet gospel, some old instrumental but I do the same at my own house now and I look forward to it every year. I just love this time of year celebrating the birth of our savior, making memories with friends and family.
The kids really love having real candles on the table with the Advent wreath. They also love opening a new window on their Advent calendars every night, and get really excited when there is only 1 window left!
Janet H.
My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the Christmas tree and baking goodies, while listening to Handel's Messiah!
Courtney T. I can't pick just one either. My favorites include baking & decorating Christmas cookies, going to the Christmas Eve service, & riding around looking at the lights.
Christy G. Our little family (four kids under six) hasn't quite cemented our own traditions yet (since so much of the holidays is dictated by nap times and early bedtimes yet!). We do up St. Nicholas day (Dec. 6), though, with stockings and gold coins in their shoes. It's been fun to talk about the real St. Nicholas with my older two and figure out ways to bless other people in this season!
Christie H. I don't think I can choose just one favorite Christmas tradition… I love going to our church's Christmas Eve service. I love listening to Christmas music while we decorate the house and later put up our live tree and decorate the tree together. I love the excitement of my now 4 1/2 yr old as we unbox tree ornaments that he remembers from previous years.
Jessica M. We do the What God Wants For Christmas Nativity Advent every year.
Renee R. my favorite Christmas tradition is listening to the children's Christmas Eve service. I loved participating in it as a child and love to remember all the wonderful Christmases past
Renee R
I am a subscriber
Cherry M. – We take out our Little People nativity set and go through What God Wants for Christmas. We've made crafts on the candy cane and Christmas wreath and may do the Christmas countdown chain again this year. We are excited to begin doing the Advent calendar on Thrive magazine as soon as it comes!
Peggy S.
It's hard to choose a favorite one, I love the season of Christmas. I love to share with others, no matter how that looks. Sharing meals, gifts, resources, time, love, etc. Now that my children are 2 and 3, I can't wait to show them the joy in sharing, and serving others during this season. Last year, was the first time I'd ever been depressed at Christmas. I have more compassion now, and a greater need to reach out to others, so that they understand the joy and love of Christ during this time of year.
Thank you!!
Sarah W. I have too many! I think of ideas for us to show God's love to others as a countdown to Christmas and I love the whole countdown process. I love listening to Christmas music all month, decorating the tree, and watching Christmas movies. I also love putting on new pj's on Christmas Eve and piling in the car with hot chocolate and puppy chow or popcorn to drive around looking at lights. I'm excited for my 2 yr old to be more involved this year!
Deborah M. We love decorating our Christmas tree with all red lights, passed down from my husband's Mother and then going to see other Christmas decorations around the neighborhood. Also, going to Church for the Christmas program & singing carols.
Cindy W. – It's hard to choose my favorite tradition, but I love decorating the tree with family and reading the Christmas story as a family.
Erin H. Wow, what an exciting giveaway! My favorite Christmas tradition is my dad (as his dad always did) reading the Christmas story from Luke while we eat monkey bread and drink coffee… before opening presents.
Kimberly W. – candle light service and the Christmas play on Christmas eve. Skyping with family on the other side of the country on Christmas day.
Renae W I subscribed to your emails!
Renae W. Decorating sugar cookies with our own artistic flair!
Angela M. and my favorite tradition is cooking with family
I also just subscribed to the blog! Thanks!
Joy V. When I was a kid I loved going to Christmas Eve Christmas pageants. I wish they would do those on the 24 the nowadays. But the shepherds pie and angel food cake meal is the best! What a great idea!
Lia H. Idaho
hi I subscribed to out-of-sync then confirmed my email address
Lia H. my favorite Christmas tradition is to make cookies with my toddler and send out 11 cookie plates for our friends
I would love to win this give away bundle for Christmas
Courtney W. Every year on Christmas we go to my grandmother's home (toddler's g-grandma) and before we are allowed to eat or open presents one of the adults in the family is picked to read the nativity story. Then after that we are asked questions about the story. Then everyone gets a present, when opened there is a bible verse inside that everyone reads. After that its presents and christmas dinner.
Stephanie M. Favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the Christmas tree as a family and beginning our second year doing daily advent readings with our children.
Melissa W ~ My favorite tradition was getting the piece of candy from the calendar countdown. Last year my daughter was old enough to start doing that and we would read a Christmas story while she ate. She loved it so much that we will do it again this year. We will also be starting the Advent calendar from Thrive magazine.
Chelsea B- subscribed to blog
Maria P.-Making tamales! And doing Truth in the tinsel with the kids again.
Amber R. My favorite holiday tradition is putting up the Christmas tree and watching Christmas movies as a family. I also enjoy baking and going house to house to drop off what the kids and I have made for our friends, family & neighbors!
I am also subscribed to the blog.
Amber R. Watching Christmas movies with the family while decorating the tree and putting up all other Christmas decos.
Sarah F. We love playing card games and spending the holidays with our families. Thanks for this opportunity
As a child my favorite Christmas tradition was eating a candle-lit picnic dinner in front of the Christmas tree after putting up all the decorations. When my kids get just a bit older, I hope to continue this tradition in our home.
Sarah L. (I may have a double post on accident.) My favorite and continued tradition is attending a Christmas eve candle lit service. So beautiful.
Charity R My favorite Christmas tradition is attending and doing the music for our Christmas Eve service and then enjoying yummy food and the Advent wreath as a family,
Amanda W. Making Christmas ornaments with my babies and talking with them about Jesus!
Kellie C
My favorite Christmas tradition is going to my Husbands Aunts house all the cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents get together we eat and wait for Santa to stop by and give out a present to each child before he sets off for the night ��. One of my husbands uncle dresses up. Subscribed waiting email
Desiree W.
My favorite Christmas tradition is on Christmas morning we pray as a family and read the birth of Jesus in the bible before doing anything else.
Jennifer S. My favorite Christmas tradition is my husband and I watching Meet Me in St. Louis on Christmas night after the kids have gone to bed. It is our little date!
Beth S. My favorite tradition is going to our church's Christmas Eve service and then coming home to Christmas pajamas and a Christmas movie.
Teresa C. Being with family!
Nichola C. One of my favorite Christmas tradition is helping my little boys bake and deliver cookies to our neighbors and showing them the joy you receive by helping others during the season and everyday!
Nichola C.. Bonus blog subscription 😀 Thank you for your blogs!
Emilie G. Singing Silent Night by candlelight at Christmas Eve service
Susan C. Subscriber and confirmed account!!
Laura A.-One of my favorite traditions with my family is picking a person in the family's name and making them a surprise home-made gift for Christmas. It is fun to see the creativity of all the different family members.
Nicole M.
Favorite Christmas tradition is reading the story of Jesus' birth before we open gifts on Christmas eve. It started in my family as a child and is now continued with my 2 young children 🙂
Christine M. my favorite Christmas tradition is taking everyone to church on Christmas eve. I didn't know how important it was until the church I was going to didn't have a Christmas eve service and I had to find a church to go to. Christmas service is sometimes the only time some of my family goes to church.
Shenay S. Watching my husband lift up our little girl to place the star on top of the Christmas tree. 🙂
Bobbi F. My favorite Christmas tradition so far has been wrapping up Christmas books for the 24 days leading up to Christmas, and opening one and reading it each day.
Bobbi F. Subscribed today!
Teaching my daycare children about the real meaning of Christmas!! I love having a Christian daycare where they can learn about God 🙂
Julia L. Decorating the house, putting ornaments on the tree together as a family, pulling out the Christmas books to read, started the Advent Jesse Tree last year and hope to continue with that.
Britni B. – I love doing our Advent calendar and wreath with our 3 yr old. And doing crafts and service projects with her.
We have many traditions that we love, but my favorite is decorating the tree. I subscribe.
Lisa M
I always loved decorating the Christmas tree when I was a kid, and I'm excited that my kids are getting to the age where they can start hanging ornaments on the tree too!
I subscribe via email musclesjo
Joann R I subscribed to the email list
Joann R This year we are starting a new christmas tradition of reading an advent book together as a family and I think we will be trying out the lego tree too.
Leah k. Our children are very young so we are trying to start new traditions with the 6 of us and center our Christmas around Jesus
Leah K newly subscribed today!
Hannah M. Driving around looking at the lights and listening to Christmas music.
Betty J.
In November we have a Thank you tree. Each night we write on a paper leaf something we are each thankfull for. Instead of shopping on Black Friday we watch Christmas movies and put up our Christmas tree, taking down the Thank you tree at the same time. That night, at dinner, we pile the leaves in the center of the table and take turns reading them off.
Lynn S- trip to christmas tree farm with kids and grandchildren
Lynn – subscribed
Debra C. – Every Christmas Eve is our gathering at my mom's. Every year we have a big family meal with chicken & noodles, then we play a game, watch a movie, or go out to look at Christmas lights before the gift-opening starts.
Becky D- These are such great give aways!
One of our favorite Christmas traditions is baking cookies for Santa on Christmas eve. My two children leave him a plate with a couple of cookies (we eat the rest of the batch) and we also leave him a tamale. Man can not live on cookies alone, right? The kids always check the plate, first thing Christmas morning, and Santa always eats the whole tamale, his glass of milk (milk helps cut the chili burn, lol) and leaves the olives from the tamale and 1 1/2 cookies on the plate! Awesome memories, have been doing this since I was a child! <3
Melissa Ann L. My favorite Christmas tradition is doing the Jesse Tree Devotions. My son is only 2, but I did this with my students when I taught at private school and it's an amazing way to make Christmas Christ-centered and help kids get the big picture chronology of God's redemptive plan. Plus you get to make cool ornaments 🙂 Such Fun!
linda g.
Decorating the house and baking