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On Tuesday, I challenged you and myself to spend 1% of each day (365 days a year) in the Word and prayer. While many of us believe in our hearts that this is important, it simply isn’t a priority.
Is daily devo time simply something we are supposed to do? Something that all “good Christian ladies” have on their daily to-do list? Or is it something we all desperately need?
I believe that churches have done a huge injustice to quiet time. They have not taught us how to have a daily time for focus on God or helped us understand the importance. We’ve been led to believe it is simply part of the Christian life and inherently we should know what to do.
And for the first 34 years of my life, quiet time was something I knew I needed to do but it wasn’t high on the priority list. I used excuses of busyness, babies, and being tired as reasons I was justified to not have a quality quiet time. And then on those unlikely days when I attempted to open the Word and pray, I left the time feeling empty. A task was complete but there was a huge void.
Anyone relate?
So the excuses got bigger and I felt more justified. It was the season of life I was in and God understood…or so I reasoned.
But deep down, I knew there had to be more to life. I was floundering from the daily grind. Parenting. Being the wife my husband needed. Managing our home.
I couldn’t get more organized. I couldn’t read more self-help books. I couldn’t “be nicer.” I desperately needed help. Each day I would get a “drink” of various things hoping to quench the thirst. But shortly after I would need more. More “mommy-drugs” to get me through the day.
I don’t remember the exact turn around. Don’t recall the date things changed. I just know that one day I set my alarm to really-early. I grabbed my Bible and started in. Didn’t really know what I was doing but knew that God had to come in and do a complete heart surgery if I was going to be the person, mom, and wife that deep down I desired to be. I couldn’t make the change myself. I needed to know who God was so that I could learn what it meant to glorify Him.
Jesus was calling me and I answered.
And He doesn’t stop. Jesus is calling right now. Do you hear Him?
Jesus is saying, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
Sweet friends, drink. Drink like you never have before. But, drink from the source that won’t leave you thirsty.
Oh, once you start drinking, you will want more. I promise. You won’t be able to get enough once you experience the spring of water welling up in you. You will desire more and more for Jesus to completely transform you.
Notice that Jesus doesn’t ask you to drinks cups and cups. He’s not asking you to spent an hour every morning before the rest of the family rises on your knees in complete silence. No. He is simply asking you to drink.
Today’s Challenge to Impress: Start with a sip. Just one verse and an honest prayer each morning. And if you forget or plans get changed, all grace is given. No shame. Pick up when you can. Start the next day anew.
If you truly are saved and have given your life over to Jesus, growing in your Christian life is the vital next step. Don’t put it off. I wish I would have begun Drawing Deep much earlier in my life.
Come join me. Let’s drink of our Savior’s love together.
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