It’s strange really. We are only talking about a difference of 24 hours yet it feels like a fresh start. A new year means mistakes from the past year are over and change is possible. Something about a brand new calendar to hang on the wall, I guess. I get excited for January as though I have been given a clean slate.
About two weeks ago, I began really searching the path God wanted me to take this blog for the new year. I felt like God was asking me to focus on two things: our personal, spiritual lives and raising our children.
Ummm, Heidi, isn’t that what you are already doing, you ask? Isn’t your goal to help us grow spiritually and encourage us to “impress” upon our children who God is and how He loves us?Yes. That has been my goal and continues to be my goal. What I am feeling led to change is how I do this.
There are some really popular “feel-good” ministers and leaders out there. Some who have created empires all in the name of Jesus. Honestly, it would break my heart to see my name amongst that group. I don’t want to make your excited for the 47.34 seconds that it takes to read each blog post and then as soon as you remove your eyes from the electronic box of choice you return to status-quo.
No. I want to come along side you to take the next step.
For starters, I will only be posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays now. As our ABCJLM ministry and this blog has grown, I continue to feel myself pulled in many directions. Twice-a-week blogging will allow me more time with my family while also providing me more opportunity to write better blog posts (I pray!). It’s never an easy decision to change but knowing this is God’s desire for me to keep priorities in order, moving to two days a week is an easy one. I also pray that providing you with less posts to read each week will allow you to dive deeper and ponder more the posts that I share.
If you have read our blog for very long you can probably guess what my first challenge will be. And I don’t say it because it’s the “Christian thing to do.” I make this the first challenge because I know how much my life depends upon it. And I want this for you, my sweet sisters! Because before we can leave a deep, lasting impress for Christ upon the children in our lives, we must allow God to daily impress upon our lives.
I challenge you and myself to daily spend time in prayer and reading the Word. Not to allow other things to get in our way. To make it a priority. I’m not asking you to devote an hour a day. Just 1% of your day. That all. 1% of your day to read a Bible verse or two and pray. If you are unsure where to begin, I encourage you to read my free ebook – A Quiet Time, Worth the Time.
Today holds a clean slate. Today welcomes the opportunity to change. Will you join me?
Please join this NEW group as the old group is no longer maintained.
Reading this post was like reading my own thoughts. I have heard many well-meaning friends say that God understands my situation and I don't need a quiet time, I can just communicate with Him throughout the day. But in my heart I knew the truth, because the Spirit put it there. There is no real relationship without quality time and without sacrifice – especially of my dearly loved comfort and convenience and my heart longs and thirsts for that deep connection with my Father and Saviour. I have read "A quiet time worth the time" and it was exactly what I needed – thank you, Heidi, for that wonderful tool. I just took my first sip of water and had my first morning quiet time 😀
Ilze van der Merwe xx