True or False:
It is the church’s responsibility to give my child a solid foundation of the Bible.
While most of us would choose “false” for this statement, I wonder if there isn’t a little truth to it.
Here’s a quote from author and executive director of global networking of Awana and KidzMatter, Larry Fowler, from his book Rock-Solid Kids.
I think in today’s fast-paced culture, it’s too easy for loving, well-meaning parents to rely entirely on the church for teaching Scripture.
I couldn’t agree more. While our intentions are rock-solid, busyness creeps in and we put family devotions and intentional discussions to the side justifying that our kiddos went to Sunday School or attended Awana last week.
But God is pretty clear in the Scriptures that the responsibility falls into our hands, not the hands of our local church.
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:7-9 {emphasis mine}
These verses sound familiar? They are the theme verses for this blog – Encouragement to Impress – and for the ABC Jesus Loves Me Preschool Curriculum website – Helping Adults Be Intentional with the Children in Their Lives. Because I know that while we all believe these verses, putting them into practice is hard. My mission is to provide you with the tools to do just that.
One of the best tools that we have found for impressing the Scriptures on our children is the What’s in the Bible? DVD series (WITB).
I know. I know. I talk about it all the time. But there is a reason. These 13 DVD’s, spanning the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, have taught our children (and their parents!) more about the Bible than any other teaching form that we have used.
While having a strong foundation in the Bible is imperative, are these verses simply instructing parents to teach their children the Bible stories of Moses, Noah, and Paul?
I believe this is a huge hole in the church and families. Many are teaching children the stories in the Bible but we are missing the application. Taking the Bible from head to heart knowledge. To me, this is the point of Deuteronomy 6:7-9. It’s not enough to teach our children the Bible, it must be a part of our everyday lives.
Phil Vischer, creator of Veggie Tales and WITB, agrees because after creating the 13 DVDs to explain to children (and their families) what is in the Bible, he is now focusing on application.
Galaxy Buck: Mission to Sector 9 is the first in this quest. Available for the first time today, follow your favorite WITB characters as Buck takes what he has learned about the Bible and discovers what it means to be used by God.
Time for me to share my thoughts on this newest release…
We have been super excited for the release of Galaxy Buck. We have loved seeing all of the hints that WITB has shared these last few months wetting our appetite for this newest DVD. So when I received the exclusive link to view it, we planned an almost immediate family movie night.
Buck thinks that God wants Buck to do amazing things for Him. He puts himself into a tizzy working hard to figure out how to please God. By using the example of sharks and jellyfish, Buck learns that God doesn’t want him to do big things. God simple wants him.
View the video here –
Although very different than WITB as it contains a plot
and suspense, Galaxy Buck did not disappoint. The technology has made
the puppets and sets more clear than ever before. The story line
is…wow. There were so many amazing quotes that my poor hand couldn’t
keep up while taking notes for this blog post. (I will be sharing several of these throughout this week on my Facebook page.)
Can I say again how impactful the story line is? Like a ton of bricks hitting me in a soft, gentle, beautiful way. While much of the story line went over our children’s understanding, it laid a foundation of truth. And that is what I love. Each time they view Galaxy Buck or we use it in discussion as we go about the day, they will be adding one more piece to the puzzle of who they are in Christ.
While I believe Galaxy Buck and the WITB series should be in every home, I do believe the content of Galaxy Buck is for older children.
Let me first explain that the What’s in the Bible? DVDs are geared for elementary-ages children. Due to the family-friendly nature of the DVD’s, I have encouraged all families to own WITB and have included the videos in the ABCJLM Lesson Plans. Because Galaxy Buck is a video teaching application of what is in the Bible, it is geared toward upper-elementary-aged children. In the galaxy, Buck and his crew face some aliens and suspenseful situations. So, if you have sensitive kiddos, stick with WITB for a while. But do not forget to pull Galaxy Buck out when the time is right. Or better yet, have a date night and you and your spouse watch it together!
Whether the viewing time is now or later, I am super excited to give a copy of Galaxy Buck: Mission to Section 9 ($14.99) to one lucky, I mean, blessed ABCJLM family!
Click on the rectangular image below to enter. This giveaway will
end on Monday October 26th @ 12:59 p.m (CST). Winner will be announced October 27th on this blog.

Click to view the winner.
Are you ready to be intentional in the Biblical teaching of your children? I praise God that the What’s in the Bible? team has made it just a little easier to do just that.
This post contains affiliate links. When you click on these links, I may receive an itty-bitty commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you to What’s in the Bible for allowing me to review and give away GB.