When Your Children Don’t Match Your Parenting Dreams
Out of 157 entries, the randomly chosen winner of the Galaxy Buck DVD is:
Monica M (email monicamil…@)
Monica, please contact me within 48 hours using the winning email address and be sure to include your mailing address. Thank you to everyone who entered and thank you to What’s in the Bible? for providing this giveaway.
And if you didn’t win, remember that you can view Galaxy Buck on Jelly Telly. Click on the link below and use code – ABCJT1 – for an added one month free subscription to Jelly Telly.

It's comforting to know other mums are going through similar issues and I'm not alone in this boat
One needs to first accept that our expectations don't match reality, we are still struggling and hoping things will change instead of accepting the ' new normal'
Praise God that we don't have to have travel the journey alone! You are so correct on the expectations thought. Thank you for sharing!
You said it so well. I too have been down the path of why GOD? I now view our unique journey with a special needs child as "How awesome that God thought we could do this" and on days that I feel overwhelmed I remind myself of this and it really does make a difference. The new normal is an adjustment but it is what you make of it! Know that you aren't doing this alone and that many of us out there are going through the same joys and struggles. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
I have a son with ASD and a Severe Speech Delay. His diagnoses are definitely not what I expected and dreamed about….but….when I step back and really look………God gave me what I needed. I too feel blessed that God cared about me that much and loved me that much to give my little Bubby to my husband and I! What a gift! I've had my times of bitterness and worry too but I have to remember Rom. 8:28 He gave us what is perfect for us!
God bless you. Thank you for sharing.