I wrote this blog post in February 2009.
One of the first thoughts when my head hits the pillow is “Did I handle the day’s parenting challenges wisely?”.
Did I discipline the best way?
Did I give grace or mercy at the right time?
Did I use each teachable moment that occurred?
Friends joined us today for a playdate. Despite the pep talk and expectations, Bubs was over-the-top silly and emotional. He ping-ponged through the room, bounced from one activity to another, and was unable to correctly interpret the sensory input around him.
Trying to help him gain control, he spent more time setting out of the activities than he did playing with our guests.
After the guests left, Bubs turned a 180 and calmed down. Coming to me, he took deep breathes letting me know he was getting under control.
I looked at him in awe wondering why the drastic change and questioning if I handled the situation well.
While it looks different working with older children, almost 10 years later and I still daily question parenting decisions.
The difference is that I now don’t attempt to parent in my own accord. I realize that because of salvation and through sanctification, I have a Helper who will guide me.

Knowing God’s Will
When memorizing Romans 12:1-2 as a child I thought knowing God’s will pertained to big things like where to go to college or who to marry. But through my parenting journey I have learned that God has a “good, pleasing, and perfect will” for every step of my day.
Kay Arthur says the following about the passage.
“I believe in the truth found in Romans 12:1-2. If I have presented my body to Him as a living sacrifice (and I have), and I’m being transformed by the renewing of my mind, then I’m able to prove – to put to the test – what His will is. He will show me that which is good, acceptable, and perfect for me.”
Living Sacrifice
“Present your bodies as a living sacrifice” is when we realize we all sin, our sin keeps us from God, and we need a Savior. We lay down our wants and pick up God’s desire for our lives. This is salvation.
Renew Our Minds
Renewing is to “start over or refurbish.” When we allow God to daily change what we think about, how we feel, and how we evaluate situations. He transforms us into a new creation that Loves God and Loves Others. This is sanctification.
God’s Will
“Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2b
Then I will know how to discipline the best way for that child and that situation.
Then I will discern when a circumstance needs grace or mercy.
Then I will recognize the God-given teachable moments that occur each day.
It doesn’t mean that you won’t make mistakes. It means that that you will be daily going to the source of wisdom, listening for direction, and then walking in faith.

The ABCJesusLovesMe website contains a plethora of ideas to enjoy the beauty of fall and help you share light during the Halloween season. Check out the ideas!