As I have been reading through the key chapters of the Bible with many of you, I have come to appreciate more and more a quality study Bible.
If you are in the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group, you know that my Bible fell apart. See damages below.

While my Bible was being repaired, I was asked to review the new study Bible by Tony Evans. Loving what Dr. Evans and his daughter Priscilla Shirer have taught, I jumped at the opportunity!

Tony Evan Bible Commentary
Available with a hard or leather cover, the Tony Evans Study Bible goes a step above other Bibles that I have reviewed.
Here is a list of the key features:
- Study notes from Dr. Evans’ sermons
- 40 Articles and 50 Lessons on Kingdom Living
- 60 Questions and Answers
- 40 “Hope Words”
- Application Question (Love these!)
- Digital links to view sermons, devos, and teachings from Dr. Evans
- Bible Reading Plans
- So many extras to help with understanding and growth

Heidi’s Thoughts
What I love:
- The commentary in the Bible is wonderful. It has deepened my understand of each verse. I look forward to digging into the tables, lists, and study helps soon.
- In the commentary notes, words specific from the verses are bold to make it easy to understand what is Dr. Evans’ thoughts and what is God’s Word (see image above).
Something to consider:
- If you love to make notes in your Bible, the pages are full leaving very little blank space.
- The light brown font in the commentary of the reference makes it hard to read. I struggled to quickly find the commentary for the specific verses.
- The translation of this Bible is the Christian Standard Bible. I have enjoyed reading this translation, but understand that some may prefer a more popular option. Priscilla Shirer has used this translation for several years.
Here is one explanation: The Christian Standard Bible aims to hit a sweet spot between the “word-for-word” translations and “thought- for-thought” translations. In fact, it lands right in the middle between two very popular and excellent translations – the ESV and NIV.
As a whole, if you are looking for a quality study Bible, this is a solid option for both the men and women on your Christmas list.
Restoring Your Bible
Remember the image above showing the multiple pieces of my Bible? I mailed my Bible to Norris Bookbinding Company to be repaired. And the result is amazing. The outside shows a beautiful new Bible, while the inside holds years of notes.
Following their suggestions, I chose a leather cover with an added ribbon. There were other options (name embossing, added white pages, etc) which I didn’t do. The cost was $118 with shipping. This is more than double what it would have cost to get a new Bible, but in situations where the Bible has a lot of meaning it is worth every penny.
If you or someone on your Christmas list has a Bible to restore, I greatly encourage you to check out Norris Bookbinding. Don’t let the outdated website deter you. The company was wonderful to work with and did beautiful craftsmanship. A restored Bible makes the perfect Christmas gift for those hard-to-buy friends and family!

Thank you to FrontGateMedia for allowing me preview this Bible in exchange for an honest review.