For a while I have desired to read through the key chapters of the Bible in chronological order. After finishing my current study, I went in search of a reading guide. Unfortunately, my search came up blank.
For a while I have felt a stirring in my heart to help women be intentional in their spiritual growth. I have prayed about various plans to guide this endeavor. Unfortunately, I haven’t had peace about any of my ideas.
As only He can do in His perfect timing, God took these two passions and married them into an exciting plan that will lead each of us to know Him more and unlock the key chapters of the Bible.

“Keys of the Bible” Study
Study: The “Keys of the Bible” study is a 365-day, chronological study of the Old and New Testaments of Bible. The plan I created will lead you to read in one year through the foundational stories and truths of the Bible.
Starting Date: Monday, April 22 – But, you can jump in any time.
Who Can Join: Anyone who desires to go deeper in their relationship with God. Whether you are a teenager, single adult, aunt, mom, grandmother, or anyone in between, I invite you to join us!
What: Each week you will be emailed the week’s selected Scripture. The reference will also be posted in the SISTERS at ABCJLM Facebook Group.
When: Reading the selected chapter will take approximately 10-15 minutes (1% of your day) depending on how much time you want to spend digging deep.
Where: Read the selected chapter wherever you can find a quiet place to focus. Then if you desire, join us for discussion on the Facebook Group – SISTERS at ABCJLM.
Accountability: But while my spirit is willing, my body is weak (Mark 14:38). And that is where the importance of accountability comes in. We will provide accountability in this study two fold: posts in the SISTERS group for you to share ideas, ask questions, and receive encouragement – and – for those interested, accountability groups will be set up.
How: If having a daily quiet time (reading the Scriptures and prayer) is new to you, I invite you to read my free ebook “A Quiet Time, Worth the Time” (available to all subscribers to this blog). Or read the Cliff’s Notes version here – What is a Quiet Time?. To help you get started, next week I will do LIVE broadcasts in the SISTERS at ABCJLM Facebook Group for you to ask questions, see how I and others journal through the chapters, and discover how to pull out the most from the Scriptures. These videos will be available to view after the broadcast as well.
Suggested Supplies:
- Prayer Journal or Be Intentional Planner or Notebook (I use a top-bound spiral notebook to take notes of each chapter and my Prayer Journal to guide my prayer time.)
- Favorite Pen (I love the eraseable, refillable Frixon pens.)
- Bible or Bible App (I use the free YouVersion app and my study Bible for explanation of tough verses.)

What To Do Right Now:
- Gather the suggested supplies (listed above) so that you are ready Monday morning to read the first chapter (Genesis 1).
- If you haven’t yet, join the SISTERS at ABCJLM Facebook group.
- Read What is a Quiet Time?.
- Tell your friends! Invite others to join us. Share on social media, text, and the old-fashion telephone to begin your own accountability group.

Keys of the Bible
Look at the lock pictured above. Many feel like the Bible is a locked book. You have to be super smart or have a degree in Theology to understand the cryptic message. I used to feel this way too.
I am excited to say that reading through the Bible will change your life, because it has changed mine. When we show up with an open heart, the Holy Spirit will give us the key to unlock what we may not understand.
Yes…it may be hard to get started. It will be even more difficult to stay consistent. But. Your. Life. Will. Change. It will be worth every moment. I promise.
I can’t wait to see what God teaches us.