Talk to any elementary school teacher and they will agree that the best thing you can do with your toddler and preschooler to prepare them for school is read to them. And then, read some more. But what does reading to your child look like? And, how do you pull the most learning from the reading time?

During these formative years it is important to introduce the child to a plethora of quality books. Have a basket of books to read before nap and bedtime. With time you will find the child will bring you books to read throughout the day as well. All of this reading will expand the child’s vocabulary and help the child “read” through the illustrations. Be sure to ask the child to point to specific items in the book and name the rhyming words. This is a great time to build a home library as well.
Read more – How to Grow a Reader
Print a list of the Top 200 Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers
3 – 4 Years of Age
Preschool age children are beginning to understand that words are made of letters and individual letters have sounds. The sounds that letters make and how they work together is called phonics. The weekly Lesson Plans in the 2nd edition, ABCJesusLovesMe 3 Year Curriculum provide a step-by-step process for phonetic learning.
Also important is to help children understand that each group of letters forms a word and a space separates each. We call this 1:1 Correlation.
Read more: Phonics & 1:1 Correlation

Putting it Into Action
To help you apply these tips, I held a LIVE Broadcast on Facebook explaining how to read the new book Which Shape Should I Be?*. You will fall in love with this precious book as I explain how to read it to your toddler or preschooler for maximum learning.
Take a moment to view the video above. If you need a fun shape book, be sure to order the new book Which Shape Should I Be?*. Then, ask questions as you read. Discuss the images. And have fun. You will be amazed how a few minutes of daily, quality reading will build a solid foundation of learning.

Thank you to BH Kids Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to review this precious book in return for a honest review. * – Some linked items are affiliate links. This means that I receive an itty-bitty commission if you choose to purchase through these links.