The greatest joy that a parent or teacher can ever have is walking a child through the process of giving his or her life to Jesus. A time when, with child-like faith, the child professes that he or she is a sinner and needs forgiveness (Romans 10:9-10).
Because there is no greater celebration than when a sinner comes to Jesus (Luke 15:10), you will want to be able to remember and celebrate the wonderful day.

Salvation Certificate
I was first introduced to the idea of a Salvation Certificate or “Adoption” Poster in an issue of Clubhouse Jr magazine. So, I did as many of you do, I Googled ideas. Sadly, I didn’t find anything that I really liked, so I created my own documents!
The ABCJesusLovesMe website contains several different certificates in multiple colors for you to download for FREE. Hang or frame to celebrate the child’s salvation date! You could also place a picture of the child on the certificate.

Salvation Birthday Celebrations
We celebrate our children’s salvation birth date similar to their birthday. This means we have brownies and candles at supper, and they know a letter with a meaningful “gift” is coming in the mail from their grandparents.
Notice that I said meaningful “gift.”
The “gift” always coordinates with the letter which includes a Bible verse and an encouragement for the following year. These gifts typically free, used, or very inexpensive. Here are some examples to get you started.
Soap Dispenser – Verses about a clean heart
Rock with a Bible verse painted on it
Cleats, Shoes, Boots – Walk with God
Children’s Bible or Bible Cover
Flashlight – Psalm 119:105, Isaiah 60:20
Large Magnet – Stick close to God
Children’s Bible Study or Devo
Christian Book (Ideas for Girls)
Toothpaste – Power of words and how you can’t put them back once they are spoken, just like you can’t easily put toothpaste bag in the tube (Ephesians 4:32)
Shooting Target – Focus on the target
Arrow – Proverbs 3:6, Psalm 91:5
M&M’s or JellyBeans – Add a Wordless Book Card
Lifesavers Candy – Romans 10:9
Puzzle – Jeremiah 29:11, God has a plan for your life
Compass – The Bible is a guide for our lives
Cross – Reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice
Deck of Cards – Ace (There is 1 God)
2 (Two parts of the Bible – Old and New Testament)
3 (Trinity), etc.
Bracelet – Fish charms, Gold (Psalm 19:10)
Salt and Pepper Shakers – Salt of the earth
Poster, brownies, or a gift are just three options that we have found to help us celebrate these special days. I’d love to hear your ideas as well!
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