Creation is one of my favorite Bible stories to teach to preschools. It covers some of their favorite topics: the sky, animals, and them!
There are many ideas to teach each day of Creation. But what about an activity to combine all seven? Jona shared on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group the fabulous idea of a Creation Scavenger Hunt. With her permission, I used her basic idea along with the snacks suggested in the ABCJLM Preschool Curriculum and created riddles for a scavenger hunt.

Assemble seven ziptop baggies with the following foods. Number each bag according to the day it represents.
1 – Oreos or white and chocolate chips
2 – White pudding with blue food coloring
3 – M&M’s, pretzel sticks, and raisins
4 – Mini powdered sugar donut (broken in half), circle cookie or piece of cheese cut in a circle, Starbursts
5 – Goldfish
6 – Animal crackers
7 – Large marshmallows (pillows)
1. Hide the bags around the room or house.
2. Turn to Genesis 1 in a Bible.
3. Explain the Creation Scavenger Hunt process to the child(ren). You will read a set of verses from Genesis 1 and 2. Then, the child will be released to find a snack bag that represents the day of Creation. The child is to find the numbered bag and bring it to the table, laying the bags in order to review at the end. This activity may be done in a single day (hide each snack bag in a different area) or spread out over a week.
Creation Scavenger Hunt:
Begin with the following riddle.
To help you understand Creation
We have a game to play.
I will read a verse
To help you find the snack of the day.
Creation Day 1
Read Genesis 1:1-5
Riddle Day 1:
It was dark all the time
So God said, “Let there be light.”
Find a snack that is white
And dark as night.
Instruct the child to find bag #1 – Oreos or white and chocolate chips
Creation Day 2
Read Genesis 1:6-10
Riddle Day 2:
God separated the water
From the dry land
Go look for a bag filled with blue pudding
That will taste grand.
Instruct the child to find bag #2 – White pudding with blue food coloring
Creation Day 3
Read Genesis 1:11-13
Riddle Day 3:
Let the land produce plants
Let the plants bear seeds
Praise God
He always provides for our needs.
Instruct the child to find bag #3 – M&M’s, pretzel sticks, and raisins
Ask the child to create plants using the snack mix. Assist if needed.
Creation Day 4
Read Genesis 1:14-19
Riddle Day 4:
The sun, the stars
The moon in the sky
Find the right snack
And give it a try.
Instruct the child to find bag #4 – Mini powdered sugar donut (broken in half), circle cookie or piece of cheese cut in a circle, Starbursts
Ask the child to lay out and explain each snack piece. Assist if needed.
Creation Day 5
Read Genesis 1:20-23.
Riddle Day 5:
The birds in the sky
The fish in the ocean
Find your next snack
With one quick motion
Instruct the child to find bag #5 – Gold Fish
Creation Day 6
Read Genesis 1:24-31
Riddle Day 6:
Day 6 was special
God created animals and man
He said, “It is very good.”
Just like His plan.
Instruct the child to find bag #6 – Animal Crackers
Creation Day 7
Read Genesis 2:1-3
Riddle Day 7:
God had finished the work
That He had been doing
Find the last bag
Then do some reviewing.
Instruct the child to find bag #7 – Large Marshmallows (pillows)
Once all bags are found and laid on the table, review what occurred each day. End the Creation Scavenger Hunt in prayer, thanking God for His beautiful Creation.
More Creation Ideas
Discover more Creation Ideas and Printables on the ABCJesusLovesMe Curriculum website. Also see Interactive Bible Stories for Creation and all the Old Testament Stories in the Bible Curriculum for home or church use.
The riddles and scavenger hunt are the copyright of JLM Media, LLC/ and may not be used, whether in part or all, under any other name.