I love the beauty and simplicity of picture Bibles. I cherished the cuddling and chubby little fingers turning the pages as I read with my young children. But there comes a time when children are ready to move past the minimal words and large illustrations to an adult Bible.
But is it possible to make a smooth transition?

Picture Bible – This Bible includes large illustrations with shortened stories containing the main point in child-like terms. The quality options include scripture references with some adding comprehension questions and memory verses. The condensed stories do not add to the Bible story except to aid the basic understanding. The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories is my favorite. (Best for Toddler – 5 Years)
Beginner’s Bible – When your child is ready to move away from picture Bibles, I suggest taking the next step to a beginner’s Bible. Bibles in this category contain books, chapters, and verses like a “real” Bible, but irrelevant verses to the story are skipped. These Bibles, such as the My First Hands-On Bible and The Beginning Reader’s Bible, are a cross between the picture Bible and Children’s Bible. (Best for ages 4-7)
Children’s Bible – A children’s Bible is written with books, chapters, and verses like an adult Bible but includes themes and translations easier for young minds to understand (i.e. The New International Version, The New International Reader’s Version, The New Living Bible). Created for children who are reading, these Bibles are available in a variety of themes that drive the images and key points.

One option is the NIV Beautiful Word Coloring Bible for Girls Gift Set*.
“Created especially for girls ages 8 to 12, this beautiful Bible, sticker sheets and coloring pencil set provides the tools for young artists to express themselves.”
Over 600 ready-to-color, illustrated verses line the sides of the Bible. These black-and-white images contain small details gearing them toward late elementary ages. Ample journaling space allows for notes and reflection making this a wonderful option for girls who enjoy drawing and writing.

Making the Transition
To assist in a smooth transition, read the same story from several picture Bibles and then an adult Bible. This introduces the child to the complexity of an adult Bible only after he knows the basic story.
Then when the child begins reading, introduce a children’s Bible by lying side-by-side a picture and children’s Bible to demonstrate how the story is in both books. The difference is that one contains images while the other includes more words and description. Explain how the references allow the reader to find specific verses and stories amongst the many pages.

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*Thank you to Zonderkidz for allowing me to review the Beautiful Word Coloring Bible in exchange for an honest review.