Few topics cause as much division among Christians as the topic of Halloween. For or against, both sides are passionate about their views.
Then there are the parents stuck in the middle feeling shame that they don’t know what to do with the October 31st holiday. Is it wrong for my children to dress up? Should my children carve pumpkins? Is it evil to trick-or-treat? Deep down they don’t see an issue with the activities, but as a Christian, wonder if they should be concerned.
What is a Christian family to do with Halloween? I believe there are three options.

Even the origin of the holiday is filled with controversy and debate. Because it has pagan roots, some Christians look at Halloween as a holiday that should be avoided at all costs. They choose to treat the day as any other without dressing up, passing out candy, or reading any books tied to the activities.
Other families see Halloween activities as harmless excuses to dress up, gather, and share candy. They enjoy secular books like A Room with a Broom and Little Blue Truck’s Halloween and don’t differentiate between a child dressing up like a ghost or a doctor while traveling the neighborhood saying “trick or treat.” These families have great traditions of visiting the pumpkin patch and carving jack-o-lanterns.

While I see points from both sides, at ABCJesusLovesMe we provide a third option.
I believe Halloween can be an opportunity to share God’s love with those around you. I’ve pulled together a few ideas to help you live out your faith and point others to Christ as you bring light to an otherwise dark holiday.

FALL CRAFTS and Activities
Who doesn’t love pumpkins, yummy candy, and beautiful fall leaves? All of these fall items make for super fun Halloween or fall crafts. Gather supplies and invite friends to join you for a fall party and use the craft time to discuss the light Jesus brings into darkness. Click for Halloween and Fall craft and activity ideas.
Books such as The Pumpkin Gospel and The Pumpkin Patch Parable provide wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel through carving pumpkins. Though a secular book, The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano is a fun rhyming book celebrating differences. More Halloween and Fall books here
Instead of traveling from door to door expecting candy, knock on a neighbor’s door and offer a treat. Dressed up or not, use this time to visit those who need a little smile. Add a Bible verse to the treat that you share. This would be a wonderful activity for visiting the elderly, or those in nursing homes and hospitals. Be sure to check with administrators on Covid restrictions and appropriate treats for the recipients. Discover more Reverse Trick-or-Treating ideas…
Fall Festival at Church or Preschool
Because so many families love Halloween, the season provides a wonderful outreach opportunity to bring families to your church or preschool to hear the truth of the Gospel.
One idea is to create Bible stations similar to a drive or walk-through nativity. At each station, have people dressed up to match the Bible story that they will tell. After a short overview of the story, provide treats that correspond with the Bible stories. More Fall Festival options…

I don’t know. The best option for your family can only be decided by you.
But I encourage you to make your decision based on facts, not fear. Conviction, not guilt. Truth, not misconceptions.
Then no matter your decision, take every opportunity to share truth, hope, and love with those you come into contact with.
Discover how to teach children the truth of God’s Word at the next ABCJesusLovesMe Parent/Teach Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Spend two days on October 22-23 gleaning ideas that you can immediately implement into your home or classroom. Learn more and order tickets.