I’m not good enough.
No one likes me.
Everyone else has a clean house.
Their kids are smarter and cuter.
And the list of lies goes on. Lies that we aren’t enough and everyone is better.
We firmly believe that in order for us to be able to live out our God-given, Parenting-to-Impress mission to the fullest, we need to be spiritually healthy. And one of the biggest obstacles in living out our mission are the lies that take our eyes off God and who He uniquely and wonderfully made us to be.
The enemy uses lies to distract us from the joy God intended us to experience as we live out our purpose as wives, mothers, and friends.
While the lies you believe might be different than the lies we share in Episode #1 on the Parenting to Impress Podcast, the heart of the issue is still the same – believing lies abou t ourselves means that we are spending time and energy working against the abundant and flourishing life God calls us to!

Identify the Lies
The first step to combating lies is to identify or name them. After listening to this episode, take some time to prayerfully ask God to show you the things that you are believing about yourself that are simply not true!
Maybe they are lies specific to you as a woman (e.g. how you look, your worth, your personality). Or perhaps they concern your role as a wife or mom. They can even be about the way you cook, manage a household, or try to wear all the hats of mom and employee.
Regardless, the root of the enemy’s lies is usually some kind of comparison. Someone else has or does something better or worse than you do. When we get into that kind of thought process, it takes our focus off the life in front of us – including the people and relationships God has placed before us.

Combat the Lies
As shared in the episode, Heidi and I counter lies in our lives. But through spiritual growth and wise counsel, we are learning how to claim the truth over the lies. For both of us, it began by filling our minds with God’s goodness through Scripture.
For example, post Scripture around the house, in your car, or anyplace that you’ll see it regularly. This allows us to SEE truth wherever we are so that we can immediately reject the lie and replace it with who we are in Christ. The Be Intentional Planner is full of God’s truth about who God is and who you are as a believer.
Sometimes, this may require removing the things that act as triggers for the negative thoughts (e.g.TV, social media, magazines or books).
Knowing your physical and emotional triggers is key too. When we are sleep deprived, hungry or even hormonal, our minds become fertile ground for the enemy’s tactics. Take time to regularly audit your life for some of these common pitfalls and make adjustments so that you aren’t making it any easier for the enemy to distract and deceive.
Ask yourself, “What circumstances open my mind up to believing lies?”. Brainstorm, then get practical! How can you help yourself be in the best position to recognize the lies as soon as they hit you? Do you need to set a timer on your phone so that you’ll start getting ready for bed earlier in the evening? The work we do as moms requires a lot of physical and emotional energy. Getting adequate sleep at night is one huge way we can help keep ourselves mentally alert to recognize lies. What are some other triggers in your life?
Join us in the private Parenting to Impress Facebook Group as we dive deeper into these questions.

Don’t Battle the Lies Alone
Have you noticed that some lies are easier to believe than grasping the truth?
If you are stuck in the quicksand of lies, we encourage you to call on a trusted friend or pastor. Oftentimes when we are able to speak the lies out loud, it begins the process of not just taking away the power those lies have over us, but also provides opportunities to see them objectively and dissect them so that we can properly see the truth. Having that trusted person walk with you in this means that you’ll have an ally, someone who rightly sees you and can speak truth over and into you!
FREE Printable
Heidi and I are not experts at this. We both continue to struggle with believing lies (as we share in this podcast). But we have also experienced the victory that is available to all believers when they choose to submit every thought to God, rejecting lies and holding fast to the truths God reveals to us in the Bible. We are cheering you on as you strive to do the same!
To help you combat the lies, we have created a free printable which lists lies Satan tells us in comparison to God’s truth and Bible verses to denounce each lie. I encourage you to take this list to your Quiet Time and let the truth soak deep into the pores of your soul. Then write each truth in your Quiet Time Journal and post them around your home using 3×5 cards or post-it notes.
We’d love to hear how you’ve been putting this printable and the above steps into practice. Please leave a comment below or on the Parenting to Impress Facebook Group letting us know what you’re learning and your own victories as you combat the lies and believe God!
And be sure to listen to Episode #1 or read the transcript to glean more ideas and practical tips.