I am in “spring” mode planting my garden and the flowerpots around the house. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the yummy produce and gorgeous display of color. But preparing the soil, pulling weeds, and planting is hard work. The beginning of Psalm 126:5 echoes this sentiment, “Those who plant in tears…”

In planting flowers or vegetables, a seed or small plant is placed in a good hole to provide the plant with the best opportunity to flourish. After planting comes the hard work of tending to the plant, watering even when you are tired, and weeding in the heat while sweat drips down your face. Then you pray that when the winds blow you have provided what that plant needs to grow strong roots. And in time, Lord willing, there will be a beautiful harvest.

Thinking through this process, the Holy Spirit led my mind to the four “seeds” that my husband and I were given 12-18 years ago.
We planted the “seeds” in a Christian home where the Bible is truth.
We water our “plants” with opportunities to love God and love others.
We daily “weed” out lies, selfishness, and pride to make room for servant leadership to flourish.
And then we pray that when faced with false prophecy, hurtful statements, and temptations that the biblical roots are strong enough to hold. We also pray that when they make poor choices – which they do and will – that we will have the wisdom to know how to love and support them through the natural consequences.

Parenting, training, and teaching is hard work. Even if you are doing everything “right,” there will be tears and pain as you allow your children to struggle through wrong choices. There will be moments of begging God to lead you when the best path isn’t completely clear.
Remember the verse that I shared at the beginning of the post? Let’s add the next part as well.
Those who plant in tears
will harvest with shouts of joy.
They weep as they go to plant their seed,
but they sing as they return with the harvest.
Psalm 126: 5-6 (NLT)
Whether you were given a child as a seed or a plant, tend to that plant through the hard and when you don’t feel you have any more to give. Lord willing, soon there will be a harvest of joy and singing.
Unsure how to reap a parental harvest of joy? I invite you to join us in Houston August 2-3, 2023 as we dive into the Bible to determine God’s plan for raising children. Also learn how to parent and teach intentionally, get the most out of the ABCJesusLovesMe Curricula, and create a play-based learning environment. Discover what to teach and how to teach! Perfect for preschool or Sunday School teachers, moms and dads, MOPS leaders, grandparents, and daycare leaders. Learn more…