I went to bed last night feeling embarrassed. Kind of like a fraud. Here I am, the creator of ABCJesusLovesMe, and yet not one Easter activity occurred in my house yesterday. Not one. How can I post all of these activities and yet not do them with my own children?
Anyone else feel like they failed Easter?
The Truth of Easter
For Christians, Easter is a single-day holiday set aside to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. It is one day out of 365 or 0.27% of a year. For many, the holiday events may include a church service, family meal, or Easter activities.
How would our lives change if the events of Easter (and Christmas) were celebrated every day of the year? In actuality the entire Bible points to God taking on the form of man, living a perfect life, dying in our place, being buried, and defeating sin through His resurrection. These truths provide the foundation for our living hope. It’s a true story we should be telling our children and students as they “sit and walk along the road, lie down and get up” (Deuteronomy 6:7). Every. Single. Day.
“Yes, but Easter is an important day, and I don’t want to mess it up!” you say.
I am going to boldly say that there isn’t a person alive who has or doesn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus because of activities done or not done on Easter. Of course, God may use Easter activities to open a person’s eyes to the truth of the Gospel. But, getting it right one day while ignoring the Gospel message the other 364 will not work.
Raising children who know and love the Lord happens through day-in and day-out modeling for them what it means to be a Christ follower and the joy that comes from a personal relationship with our Savior. Biblical parenting happens on mundane Mondays and super-busy Saturdays. Not just Easter and Christmas day.
It’s Never Too Late
I shared a plethora of Easter activities on social media, in The Helping Hand Newsletter, and on the ABCJesusLovesMe website. Please reminder that these activities are for every day of the year. So, if you didn’t get them done or missed out on the ideas, it is not too late.
Didn’t have the ingredients to make Resurrection Rolls? Make them today…next week…once a month.
Found out about Resurrection Eggs and the Easter Activity Workbook without time to put them into action? It is never too late to share the truth of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection with children. Today is the day.
Do your kiddos have questions about Easter or want to know more about the true stories of Holy Week? Watch the free Bible videos that I made sharing these stories with songs and fun learning.
All of these activities will help your little ones understanding Jesus’ love, forgiveness, and grace provided as part of the gift of salvation. For, the free gift of salvation is something we need to be reminded of every day of the year.
Oh… and because our Easter Sunday included a flat tire and sitting in a gas station parking lot for several hours, we are making Resurrection Rolls for supper tonight. Yes, the day after Easter.
Camorra says
Wonderful reminder! 2 out of the last 3 years (since I’ve started using your curriculum), we have had the stomach flu over Easter and it has felt like a bust. One of those ugh, why this week (again)!? Type things. I’m sure it’s Satan trying to get me to lose heart and not teach my children the importance of Christ’s death and resurrection. Thank you for reminding me that it’s an every day thing to teach and learn about!
Heidi says
Camorra – That is hard, but I think you are correct. The enemy comes to steal our joy, kill our desire to teach our children, and destroy our children from hearing the truth of Jesus. Keep on, friend. –heid