Tests are an understood part of our children’s lives. Whether it’s those elementary spelling quizzes, the high-stakes AP or ACT/SAT exams in high school, or even the GRE for grad school hopefuls, it feels like there’s always another test around the corner.
And let’s face it, tests create varying levels of anxiety in our children. And for good reason as some tests hold high stakes that may alter future plans and dreams. But tests also provide a teachable moment to lead our children to not focus on their abilities but God’s presence and wisdom.
Pointing Your Child to God through Conversations
Here are two example conversations.
Option #1: “Hannah, you are a smart girl and you have worked hard. You will do great on the test.”
Option #2: “Hannah, I’ve appreciated how you have prepared for this test. Now it’s in God’s hands. I am praying that He will direct your answers and give you clear thinking. Remember that any correct answer is provided by the Holy Spirit, and don’t forget to praise God for them.”
Do you see the difference? The first focuses on the child. The second sees God as the source of wisdom and teaches the child to give glory for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Praying the Scriptures over Text Anxiety
One of my favorite activities is praying Bible verses over my children and their circumstances. With the help of my Facebook friends, I have compiled a list of verses reminding us of truths, specifically for test anxiety and sports or music tryouts. Be sure ↓ scroll to the bottom of this post ↓ to print a free copy for yourself to pray and discuss with your child. If you are unsure how to pray Scriptures, be sure to listen to the Parenting to Impress podcast explaining the why and how.
Here is an example combining several verses.
Dear Lord, I pray for Bubs this week as he tests at school. I pray that he would work at every question as working for You. Lord, I ask that when Bubs gets discouraged that he will remember that You only require his best work. And when he struggles, I pray that Bubs would look to You for wisdom for You give generously to all who ask. But when an answer comes that he will see You as the provider of every good and perfect gift. Lord, I praise and thank You that this test doesn’t define Bubs for You have a plan to prosper him. You have a hope and future for Bubs. May he never forget this. Thank you, Lord, that You are with him always. In Jesus’ name…

Encouraging Notes or Texts for Test Anxiety
Another idea it to write encouraging verses on cards to place in our children’s lunches, on their desks, or tape to their mirrors to remind them of the truth. If your child has a phone, text them Scriptures from the printable or encouraging reminders prior to the test. Just a few words can go a long way to alleviate test anxiety.
Just as a Reminder…
Teachers use test scores to assess learning progress and comprehension. But here’s the thing: every child is unique, with his or her own set of strengths and areas to grow. Because of this, it is unfair to expect every child to hit the same score. Instead, encourage each child to perform at their absolute best effort. When I sit down with my child to talk about their test scores, my focus is on the effort they put in (Colossians 3:23), not merely the number or letter grade. Because in reality, school is such a short portion of their life. Building a work ethic will last a lifetime.
Scroll up to listen or click to read the transcript.

Whether the stakes are low or high, download the free Praying Scripture for Testing printable for your child’s next test. Use in your Quiet Time, post on the refrigerator, or share with your child.