Several years ago, a friend asked if Bubs was reading Bob Books. I hadn’t heard of them before, so we checked them out from the local library. After seeing their potential, I immediately ordered a set. Since Bubs already knew the phonetic sounds and could blend them together, he was ready to start reading. Just like first steps and first words, it’s pretty exciting to watch your child read for the first time!

Reading with Bob Books
If you’re not familiar with Bob Books, let me fill you in. Each book is about 8 to 10 pages long, with the first few pages containing just three to six words. The books gradually introduce new consonants and vowels, making each one slightly more challenging than the last. The illustrations are simple and mostly black and white, but the progression is perfect for building reading confidence.
My children enjoyed reading these simple stories and were so proud of themselves as they sounded out the words and finished entire books. Because of this, I recommend this reading series as a supplement to the ABCJesusLovesMe 5 Year Curriculum.
Once the child can blend individual sounds to create a word, it’s time to begin reading books. Here are some suggestions for reading these stories:
- Look at the title and front cover to predict what will happen in the story.
- Picture-walk through the book before reading it. By looking at the pictures, again predict what will happen.
- Instruct the child to point under the words as he or she reads. Also, point to items in the picture as they are mentioned in the story.
- Make reading a positive experience and take the child’s clue when a break is needed.
- Move on to the next book when the child can comfortably read through the current one.
- When first reading the story, repeat the sentence after the child has read it to give continuity and for them to hear the words read smoothly and with inflection.
- Be sure to read the back cover to fully understand the context of the story.

Bob Books Reading Checklists
To make the journey even more fun, I’ve created FREE Bob Book Reading Checklist to help celebrate the child’s progress. Print and hang in your home. When your child finishes a book, place a stamp or sticker in the box beside the book’s title. Celebrate when an entire page is finished.
Discover More Reading Ideas
- Is Your Child Ready to Read: Phonic Flip Charts
- How to Grow a Reader
- Quality Books All Preschoolers Should Read

My son and I go to the library so often – we stumbled upon BOBS books this summer. They were a hit in my house! Especially since Jack Allen is now recognizing letters and trying to understand words he sees and the sounds of letters and words.
Now Heidi has posted about these books!
Thank you! I will print the set checklists and keep encouraging my son with BOBS books and with reading, letter recognition, and more.
Yay! I love the timing! Enjoy the checklists. –heidi