Her slumped shoulders and darkened eyes said it all. Her social media posts send flares of warning to the skies begging someone to provide hope and help. She is the epidemy of yet another absolutely, positively overwhelmed and exhausted mom.
It’s not a new look. I’ve seen the haunting images at church. At restaurants. At the park. At Walmart. I’ve seen the same image in the mirror.
My heart hurts each time I see a woman exuding these warning signs. Probably because I’ve been there more times than I wish to admit. How often we moms find ourselves empty, yet the demands don’t stop.
Can you relate?

What Do You Need in 2025?
As I pray about the direction God desires for this ministry in 2025, these haunting images continually come to my mind. What does my web family need to feel equipped and encouragement?
A while back God brought me this verse from I Thessalonians 2:8 – Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.
Sharing the Gospel – good news of Jesus – is my sole purpose of this new year. Your sole purpose for this new year to share the gospel. But Paul continues by declaring his delight in sharing his life with others.

Walk Together Through 2025
So often I feel like a farce as I am far from the perfect mom, wife, or friend. But God continually reminds me that He used broken people. So, as a sister-in-Christ, I humbly come alongside you sharing what God is teaching me.
- For the exhausted momma, I want to encourage you as one in the trenches alongside you.
- For the overwhelmed mommy, I desire to share mistakes and tips I have learned along the way.
- For the momma who hurts, I long to be loving arms with words of comfort.
- For the mom who wants more than survival, I purpose to help you find joy in the journey.
- For the unsettled momma, I pray I can provide ideas for contentment in each season of life.
- For the mommy whose cup is dry, I hope to lead you to the source of Living Water.
Friends, I don’t have all the answers. The older I get the fewer answers I realize I hold. I am a cracked pot trying to keep it all together. But I know that we were never meant to walk the Christian life alone. And I want to ask you to allow me to run with you the race God has set before us.
Today’s post begins a year of honest, raw conversations between friends. Posts and podcasts of encouragement, sharing, comfort, help, and ideas all leading you to Jesus. But this isn’t one sided! I ask that you share your experiences and questions with me either through commenting on this blog or on social media. Share your successes and struggles on our private Facebook Group.
I don’t know what 2025 holds for you, me, or this ministry. But if we will make the Gospel message our purpose and share honestly with each other, we will see growth in year.
Will you walk with me?

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