Her slumped shoulders and darkened eyes said it all. Her social media posts send flares of warning to the skies begging someone to provide hope and help. She is the epidemy of yet another absolutely, positively overwhelmed and exhausted mom. It's not a new look. I've seen the haunting images at church. At ...
Search Results for: wife
Simple Steps to Starting a Family Bible Time {Transcript #63}
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Melanie Simpson Co-host 00:00 Heidi, one of the most common questions that we get from parents is about how to start a family devotional in their homes, because it can be really intimidating. As with a lot of things, there are so many options. How do you pick the right thing and are you going ...
Are You Losing to Gain?
I woke up this morning thinking about the quote, "In order to gain something, you must be willing to lose something." I don't know the original source but wonder if it's a modern take on Matthew 16:25, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." I understand the biblical call to deny myself ...
How to Teach Your Child to Play Independently
Resharing from 2013 an update to one of the most popular posts on Parenting to Impress. Among moms, there's a prevalent belief that the more time you spend playing with your kids, the better mom you are. Don’t believe me? Just check social media. There you'll find picts of moms doing fun activities with their kiddos, followed by a flood ...
When Your Marriage Doesn’t Match Your Dreams {Transcript #53}
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Rachelle: 0:00 I wanted to be the captain. I didn't want to be the player on the bench. I think in a marriage you have to work together as a team, and we did not do that well. Heidi Franz: 0:11 Welcome back to Parenting to Impress, your go-to podcast to learn practical ways ...
How to Teach the Bible as One Continuous Story
Growing up in a Bible-centered church, I knew all the classic stories like the back of my hand. Even at a young age, I could regurgitate the roller-coaster life of Joseph, the faith of Noah, and the excitement of David's youth. But if you asked me how Jesus fit into everything from Genesis to Revelation, I'd be stumped. Somewhere along the line, ...
Understanding Fostering, Adoption, & Orphan Care {Transcript #52}
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Quoting Holly: 0:00 Let's move forward with this as a way to continue to build our family. Me. This is what I want to do to build my family. Once we knew that this child was going to come to our home and we began to learn his story and read his case notes and see his struggles, I remember the ...
How to Preserve Your Marriage Amidst a World of Divorce {Transcript #50}
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Melanie Simpson Co-host 0:00 Heidi, I think that for folks who've been married more than a day, we come to a place in our marriages where it's just hard. It's hard to be married. Either we are just struggling with the idea of marriage, with the idea of staying, or maybe our partner is ...
How to Preserve Your Marriage Amidst a World of Divorce
If you've been married more than a day or two, you've probably realized that marriage is hard. It's the union of two sinful people striving to live as one. There are moments when calling it quits may seem easier. Yet, in God’s Word, marriage is recognized as a binding covenant with Him. So, what do we do when our marriage faces challenges? How ...
Beyond the Lies: Seeking Truth and Living Abundantly {Transcript #1, 55}
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Heidi Franz Host 00:01 I'm not good enough. No one likes me. Everyone else has a clean house. Her kids are smarter and cuter. She's skinnier, more fit, and prettier than I am. Melanie Simpson Co-Host 00:10 Her husband is romantic. Heidi Franz Host 00:13 I think there is a time in all of ...