After doing our Five Speckled Frogs song and activity, I left the frogs and log on the easel. One morning, I watched Sweet Pea play with the frogs as I was getting ready to start school. Watching her gave me the idea to use the frogs and log to work on spatial concepts. (Spatial concepts are taught in the ...
Hello, My Name is… has been a full week and a half of blogs. Starting with the four-day series called "So Much to Tell You" and then 23 Things (I Don't Want You to Know) About Me (updated). Transparency at its greatest! To wrap it all up, I gave you an inside, future look at ABCJLM in the "State of ABC Jesus Loves Me" ...
State of ABC Jesus Loves Me Address
With a planning personality, I love State of the _______ (fill in the blank) Addresses. I get to hear the "where we are" and "where we are going." It puts me in the know. As I am making changes to the ABC Jesus Loves Me website, I thought it might help if you knew the path I am starting to travel. With that said, ...
Have You Entered the Drawing???
Many of you have but many of you have not. Don't wait. The drawing for the It's Your Kid Not a Gerbil book closes Friday. Head over to the review and make sure your name is entered! A few of you have registered on the forum but have not yet "Introduced Yourself." Don't forget to do this in order to enter the drawing! ...
FAQ: My Library Doesn’t Have the Suggested Books
image shared by Jen Here is a frequently asked question: My library doesn't have many of the books suggested in the ABCJLM Curriculum. I can't afford to purchase all of them. What do I do? Following our weekly trips to the library, I would sit down with my kiddos to read from the collection of books we brought home. I would get so frustrated ...
So Much To Tell You: Message #3
Today is the conclusion of the four day series, "So Much to Tell You." If you missed the beginning post, please go back and read Day 1. Looking back over this series, I feel like a science experiment: Day #1 - Houston, we have a problem. Day #2 - Recognize the problem, unable to find solution Day #3 - Solution is found Day #4 - ...
So Much to Tell You: Message #2
If you haven't read the beginning of this blog series, please go back so that you understand the need I had for the messages. I longed for the other side but for some reason found myself unable to obtain it. The worst part of it, I didn't know what was holding me back. Why was I so drawn to the computer, to my mommy drug, which allowed me ...
So Much To Tell You: Message #1
Yesterday I handed you the key to my journal. I gave you full access to a gross truth of my life. If you missed yesterday's post, please go back and read to understand the background for Message #1. Message #1 was found in a Facebook post and in Kevin Leman's new book It's Your Kid Not a Gerbil. Hopefully you read my review about this book and ...
So Much to Tell You
Finally, I get to sit down and write this blog. I am so excited to tell you what God is teaching me right now that I can barely stand myself. I seriously have thought how wonderful it would be to have a computer hooked to my brain so that all I had to do was think it, and it would type up the document. (Might be scary to see in writing some of the ...
Review & Giveaway: It’s Your Kid Not a Gerbil
Stop whatever you are doing, click on the above picture, and purchase this book. It will change your world and you will be eternally grateful for Kevin Leman writing it and for me suggesting it. I 99.9% promise. (There is always that one!) It's Your Kid Not a Gerbil is one of the best books that I have read in ...