You're An Angel, Personalized Lullaby CD You’re An Angel is a cute personalized lullaby Cd for an infant or toddler. The songs were sweet and restful. While listening, I was amazed how my kiddos calmed. This CD would make a neat baby gift. ...
I have been given the opportunity to review several preschool CD's and books from various Christian preschool publishers. Some of these reviews have already been posted. In doing this, I wanted to explain to you how I rate various items. Each review will be honest and hopefully informative. Many of the items will be reviewed by my kiddos and ...
Review: I’m a Soldier
I Am A Soldier, Personalized CD I am going to combine 4 Cd’s into this review – “Mediak Kids Christian Praise Songs Vol 1-3” and “I’m a Soldier.” Several of the songs overlap between these Cd’s. After listening to Jesus Loves You and Fun Time Bible Stories, I was personally disappointed in these three Cd’s. Although there are some great songs ...
Review: Fun Time Bible Stories
Fun Time Bible Stories, Personalized CDFun Times Bible Stories is the 2nd CD that I have to review from Mediak. This is Sweet Pea's Cd and she loves it. Another well done CD. This CD has several of the songs used throughout the ABCJLM curriculum. Here are a few - Deep and Wide, This Little Light of Mine, and The B-I-B-L-E.Another great CD to ...
Review: Personalized Jesus Loves You CD
I had the opportunity to review several CD's from Mediak under their "religious" category. Boy was my family in for a treat!!! Throughout the next few days, I will write reviews for each 11 CD's that I received. Jesus Loves You, Personalized CD CollectionEach CD is personalized with a child's name. There are over 2000 names to choose from. I ...
Week 3 & 4 Suggested Supplement Material
Here is a list of the suggested supplement material for the 3rd and 4th weeks of curriculum.Lacing - Here is one option... ...
Updated Tracing Worksheets
I haven't been happy with the tracing worksheets on the ABC Jesus Loves Me website. So, I finally had the to time update most of them. You will notice that the worksheets now come in four types and the lines are colored. Let me back up...Bubs works on his letters with his OT each week. After getting a strong handle on the uppercase letters, he ...
Terms of Use
I have revamped the Terms of Use a little on the ABCJLM curriculum. Please take a look and let me know what questions you have! ...
Not What We Expected
After the wonderful test results from Bubs' nine months of OT, both the OT and I were sure that he would test out of OT after one year. Being the beginning of Sept, Miss W. did the Developmental Test with Bubs to see where ee stood. To our surprise, he either stayed the same or went down on the scoring. We are shocked. This said, we will be ...
Water Obstacle Course
Your Therapy Source has a video of an example Water Obstacle Course. The obstacle courses include gross and fine motor skills as well as sensory activities! So many possibilities!On the video - One of the activities in the video shows a child running into a mini pool. I would discourage this as the bottom of the pool can be very slippery. Always ...