Several times in my teenage years, I had the opportunity to make individual servings of homemade ice cream. As an activity at church and youth group a few times. We actually made it at school in a Family Living class I took to provide us with examples of creating traditions in a family. It was fun and memorable experience each time. In creating ...
Guest Post: Sometimes We Need Them More
source Going along with the "Welcome to Our Story" posts from this week, this is a post by a precious friend of mine. She shares so well life with her "Little Man." At the prompting of a dear friend, I'm going to write about a lesson I've recently learned. It seems I've had my thinking a bit backwards... You see, I have a child who has rocked ...
Welcome to Our Story: An Update #2
Yesterday I updated you on Bubs' diagnosis-filled story along with Sweet Pea's. Today I want to fill you in on Little Man and Peanut. Let's start with the "easy" one. Peanut The baby of the family is now 2 1/2. As much as it breaks my heart, we don't have a baby anymore. (When people tell you it goes fast, they aren't kidding.) He is ...
Welcome to Our Story: An Update #1
For the last few weeks on this blog, we have been focused on preparing for the preschool school year. I pray that it has been extremely helpful in guiding your steps. We have also discussed the importance of independent play among other tidbits. And while the blog posts go on, so does our life. So much has happened in the last three months. ...
The Jesus Storybook Bible & DVD
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name and Animated DVD Vol. 1 is my newest children's Bible review. I have seen this Bible advertised on some major "mom blogs" and was anxious to give it a look over myself. With 21 Old Testament stories and 23 New Testament stories, this Bible covers both well-known as well ...
Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible
Pin It The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible is one of the newest storybook Bibles available to purchase from Zonderkidz Publisher and is now available in a Deluxe Edition with an audio CD. Part of the Living Lights series, this book uses the Berenstain characters "to help children learn how God wants them to live every day." The major ...
Why I {Hate} the Word “Bored”
There are a few phrases that are not allowed to be said in our home. One such phrase is, "This is boring." or the popular "I am bored." Basically the same. Honestly, I can think of only one or two times that I have heard it come out of the mouths of my babes. And each time it occurred because my children heard it from some ...
What’s So Important About Play Stick-to-itiveness?
This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about play stick-to-itiveness! Yesterday I shared a concrete example of how to teach your child to play independently. But in writing the post, I realized that there is one more important detail to teaching a child to play independently. It is what I call ...
How to Teach Your Child to Play Independently #2
This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about independent play! Yesterday I shared how my children asked me not to play with them. After letting go of my pride, I realized that they had given me a huge complement. But in hearing from you in emails and on our ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group, children ...
How to Teach Your Child to Play Independently #1
This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about independent play! It was the time of day that we play together doing school, reading, crafts, and playing games. Today I had some fun things planned. But, my kiddos threw a monkey wrench into my plans! "Mommy, we want to just play together for a while." Now, at ...