This post got a makeover! Dive in and discover all the helpful tips about independent play! It was the time of day that we play together doing school, reading, crafts, and playing games. Today I had some fun things planned. But, my kiddos threw a monkey wrench into my plans! "Mommy, we want to just play together for a while." Now, at ...
So Much Easier To Do It Myself
source I was shocked to hear at my checkout counter a mom state her own laziness. While "It is so much easier to do it myself" does not sound like a lazy comment, I knew the context. She explained that it was too much work to train her child to clean. Much easier to do the work on her own and leave her son out of it. Working in the ...
Create a Memory Verse Lapbook: 2 Year
Pin It I love seeing your ideas and being able to pass them on to others. I hope that you are enjoying the ideas on the "Ideas from Others" pages on the website. These can be found under the Curriculum Tab, Extra Ideas, and Ideas from Others. Falon shared with me the great idea to create a Memory Verse Lapbook for the 2 Year ...
Create a Preschool Notebook
Updated to ...
My Two Convictions
source I have two personal convictions for our home. I feel that these are my responsibility. I take both of them very serious as I feel that God has laid it on my heart to be prepared to be Jesus' hands to others. Let me explain... God has supplied us with a beautiful home. Nothing extravagant at ...
Guest Post: What Did You Learn from Week 2?
source LaToya offered to write a post about their second week using ABC Jesus Loves Me. I especially love what this Mommy has to say about learning being able to take place everywhere! I’m a planner by nature and I approach homeschooling the same way. I had planned to start a week “early” because I would be starting school myself when August ...
source As you have read through the posts on this blog, you may feel like I have spoken out of both sides of my mouth. On one post, I am saying that God doesn't care how much laundry I have but it is about my attitude. In the next post, I write about my convictions to have our home close to company-ready at all times. My heart knows that this ...
Preparing to Impress {Daily Lesson Plans}
Pin It Are daily lesson plans available for the ABCJesusLovesMe curriculum? This is a question that I receive through email and on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group frequently. And the answer to this question puts many into a panic! So, let's see if I can answer this question for you and help you break the lesson plans down in a ...
Kitchen Utensils That Save My Sanity
source You are going to think that I am crazy. And it is true. Having four children will do this to you! But there are two kitchen utensils that I couldn't do without. If they broke, I would go buy a replacement. These two help cut down on meal prep time and preparing plates of food. Of course the Pizza Wheel is ...
Guest Post: What Did You Learn from Week 1?
source A Mommy of 3 (4 and under) offered to write a post about their first week using ABC Jesus Loves Me. Love the wisdom that Lizz has to share! Follow more of Lizz's life as she teaches her children about God's world! Well, our first week of using ABC Jesus Loves Me is officially finished. We didn't accomplish everything on our activity ...